Open Aevyz opened 1 year ago
Hey, sorry for the late response. could not reproduce from my side:
(regipy) martin@DESKTOP:/mnt/c/Users/martin/Documents/GitHub/regipy$ ipython
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In [1]: from regipy.plugins.utils import run_relevant_plugins
In [2]: from regipy.registry import RegistryHive
In [3]: reg = RegistryHive('/tmp/regipy_data_tmp_unpacked/SYSTEM')
In [4]: result = run_relevant_plugins(reg, as_json=True)
Did not find bam at ControlSet001
In [5]: result.keys()
Out[5]: dict_keys(['wdigest', 'background_activity_moderator', 'safeboot_configuration', 'routes', 'active_control_set', 'host_domain_name', 'timezone_data', 'computer_name', 'services', 'shimcache', 'bootkey', 'usbstor_plugin', 'network_data'])
In [6]: result['network_data']
{'\\ControlSet001\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces': {'timestamp': '2011-09-17T13:43:23.770078+00:00',
'interfaces': [{'interface_name': '{698E50A9-4F58-4D86-B61D-F42E58DCACF6}',
'last_modified': '2011-09-17T13:43:23.770078+00:00',
'dhcp_enabled': False,
'ip_address': [''],
'subnet_mask': [''],
'default_gateway': [''],
Can you share the registry hive?
we seem to have a problem with the new
function (network data from SYSTEM hive
) introduced in 3.1.6 #250We are triggering the plugins using...
Pip Freeze
I am not quite sure what the best way of handing you guys information needed is, so if you need any further information, please just ask.
Thanks for any help in advance!