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blog/2021-05-16-building-personal-origami-website-2021 #2

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Building a Personal [Origami] Website in 2021 - Origami by Michał Kosmulski

My new website In early 2021, I rebuilt my website at from scratch. It was a complete redesign which started with planning what I wanted the site to be and who its intended audience was, followed by looking at a few potential technologies, checking them out and choosing one, building the site, and tuning its load times and SEO. While a few details are specific to origami, most are completely general and should be interesting to anyone planning to create their personal web page, regardless of topic.

gcb commented 3 years ago

And where is it hosted? load balanced? CDNed? ...a lot of information is left out on the chosen solution

mkosmul commented 3 years ago

@gcb It's hosted at a provider called KEI. I guess the offer is pretty much the same as any hosting provider's so I didn't go much into details. Given that the generated site consists of static HTML files, I need just the ability to serve a static page and to perform some URL rewriting: nothing fancy.

Skull0Inc commented 3 years ago

Awesome! Great to see posts like this! Doing a site can be a bit overwhelming when confronted with all the tech. choices available..glad you found a path to suit your needs. Good write-up also.

gtheys commented 3 years ago

Too much focus on parts that are not important in 2021. Make content is the hardest part of any site. For the rest just follow along any how to make static website(can be jekyll) howto and publish to s3 (or even github or any other static hosting and follow along how to get your own domain setup with s3. It is easy and a lot is written about it. If you are fancy add https and if you ae lucky and your content is consumed then you can worry about CDN (this is reply to @gcb comment).

lukaesch commented 3 years ago

Instead of a website from scratch, you could use SoTrusty and create an order page with videos or photos of your products. 100% Google Lighthouse SEO, >90% Performance (depending on content) that you can get in a few minutes instead of building it yourself.

Here an example of a store in Germany:

What do you think about it? I appreaciate any feedback :)

pavelloz commented 3 years ago

Jekyll will get very slow very quick. Take a look at eleventy or Hugo or elderjs