mkreiser / ESPN-Fantasy-Football-API

Connect to ESPN's fantasy football API via this JS API client for web and NodeJS. Available as an npm package.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Get Matchup / Scoring Period Dynamically #197

Closed j-per closed 1 year ago

j-per commented 3 years ago

I wrote a little Discord Bot App that fetches box score data from our league. I'm currently returning scores based on a hard coded matchup/scoring period. Does anybody know how to get the matchup / scoring period dynamically based on the current week? Here is my code:

`const { Client } = require('espn-fantasy-football-api/node'); const { getName } = require('./player-mapping'); require('dotenv').config();

const leagueId = process.env.espn_leagueid; const espnS2 = process.env.espn_espnS2; const SWID = process.env.espn_swid; const seasonId = process.env.espn_seasonid;

const myClient = new Client({ leagueId });

myClient.setCookies({ espnS2, SWID });

async function getEspnData() { const getScores = await myClient.getBoxscoreForWeek({ seasonId, matchupPeriodId: 1, scoringPeriodId: 1 }); const matchupData = createEmbedFields(getScores); const embedded = embedData(matchupData); return embedded; }

function createEmbedFields(boxScore) { const matchupArrayData = => { const awayTeamId = getName(scores.awayTeamId.toString()); const homeTeamId = getName(scores.homeTeamId.toString()); const awayPoints = scores.awayScore.toString(); const homePoints = scores.homeScore.toString(); return [ { name: awayTeamId, value: awayPoints, inline: true }, { name: homeTeamId, value: homePoints, inline: true }, { name: '\u200B', value: '\u200B' } ] }) .flat(); return matchupArrayData; }

function embedData(teamData) { const fflEmbed = { color: 0x0099ff, title: 'Current Scores', fields: teamData, timestamp: new Date(), }; return { embeds: [fflEmbed] } }

module.exports = { getEspnData, embedData };`

billy-ferris commented 3 years ago

I created an endpoint to fetch the league data from the base URL and pull from the scoringPeriodId there. Then inside my functions if I dont pass a week into them - I usually run some logic to pull this data.

const getTeams = async (week, year = seasonId) => { let scoringPeriod; if (!week) { scoringPeriod = await getCurrentWeek(); } else { scoringPeriod = week; } ... };

const fetchLeagueEndpoint = async () => { const apiUrl = ${ESPN_FFL_ENDPOINT}/seasons/${seasonId}/segments/0/leagues/${LEAGUE_ID}; return axios .get(apiUrl, { headers: { Cookie: SWID=${SWID}; espn_s2=${ESPN_S2}, }, }) .then((response) => {"Successfully fetched league endpoint"); return; }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error fetching league endpoint:\n", error); throw Error("Error fetching league endpoint."); }); };

const getCurrentWeek = async () => { try { const { scoringPeriodId } = await fetchLeagueEndpoint();"Successfully got current week: ", scoringPeriodId); return scoringPeriodId; } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching current week:\n", error); throw Error("Error fetching current week."); } };

mkreiser commented 1 year ago

Added to the League object in #231 (v1.3.0).