mkremins / fanciful

Fancy Bukkit message formatting
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Can't mvn deploy #51

Closed mkremins closed 8 years ago

mkremins commented 9 years ago

This isn't an issue in Fanciful per se, but I wanted to document this here in case anyone wonders why the 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT version of Fanciful isn't yet available from the Maven repo. I'm using GitHub's site-maven-plugin to publish artifacts to the mvn-repo branch of this repository, and as of today there's an outstanding issue with site-maven-plugin that causes it to crash on attempted deploy unless the user has a publicly visible email address on GitHub.

I don't particularly want to make my email public, especially since there exist outstanding but unmerged fixes for the issue upstream. Until one of those fixes gets merged, or until I figure out another workaround, I won't be able to deploy artifacts to the mvn-repo branch.

Lolmewn commented 9 years ago

Ah. I was just about to open an issue on this, but it's already here. It seems the repo itself is giving 400 invalid requests (Maybe it should when there's no path specified, idk).

Legundo commented 9 years ago

Any luck with this? Hoping for a 1.8 resolution soon.

franga2000 commented 9 years ago

I might have a sulotion for you. Hosting a maven repo on GitHub was never a good dea and was always full of bugs, so I'm offering to host the project on my maven repo and (if you need) Jenkins CI.

You will have full access to everything under your namespace and full control of the project on Jenkins. That way, development will be easier for all parties involved.

mkremins commented 9 years ago

@franga2000 Thanks for the offer, that'd be excellent. Anything specific I need to do to get that set up?

franga2000 commented 9 years ago

I have a fork of the repo that's connected to my Jenkins and Maven servers and it's working great. I'll send a pull request and when you merge it, let me know so I can set Jenkins to use your repo instead.

I updated pom.xml and removed @Immutable since I couldn't find the dependency and I think it should work fine without it.

The Jenkins job can be found here: The dependency can be added like this:


    <version>0.2.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <!-- or whatever version you need -->

Everytime you push to GitHub, my jenkins system will build and deploy it automatically. Because of this, you have to change the version in your pom.xml after a release so unstable code does't overwrite the release. You can have multiple snapshots of the same version, but when releasing a new version, remove -SNAPSHOT.

Legundo commented 9 years ago

Confirming @franga2000's repo, I was able to build and deploy with it just fine.

mkremins commented 9 years ago

@franga2000 Could you go ahead and make that pull request? I'll merge ASAP.

franga2000 commented 9 years ago

Did I not send it? Must have forgot :D Here it is:

mkremins commented 9 years ago

Merged. Once someone verifies that everything is working, I'll close this issue as well.

franga2000 commented 9 years ago

I just linked my CI to this repo and it built and deployed successfully:

Haven't tested it as a dependency, but eveything else on my repo works, so I assume this will too.

glen3b commented 9 years ago

Any chance we could set up JavaDoc builds as requested in #32?

glen3b commented 9 years ago

Also, the readme is not up to date with the new Maven repo

mkremins commented 9 years ago

Just updated the readme. Waiting on the CI to reflect the bunch of commits I just made as a final verification that everything is hooked up correctly; once it does I'll close this issue and we can move the javadoc discussion over to #32.

mkremins commented 9 years ago

@franga2000 Hmm, the CI doesn't seem to have picked up the commits. Do I need to change something in this GitHub repository's settings in order to make the post-commit hook work?

franga2000 commented 9 years ago

Aperently, the CI needs access to the git repo in order to poll it. It was working fine when I was using my fork with my credentials, but now it doesn't have access. I'm trying to find a good and secure way for you to add your credentials to the CI so it can poll the repo. Meanwhile, you can create an account on the CI and set your "Full name" field to some random word. Then post that word here, so I know it's you. I'll give you full access to the project so you can trigger builds manually until I get the credentials thing working.

mkremins commented 9 years ago

Verifying that I am username mkremins, fullname Max Kreminski on the CI.

franga2000 commented 9 years ago

OK, I just gave you full control over the project. You can trigger builds manually and manage the project. I also set it up so it polls git for changes every day and if something's changed, it will build. Hopefully I get the credentias thing sorted out quickly.