Open mooreniemi opened 8 years ago
So far what I've been doing is adding this line to the classpath.rb
file but this feels hacky to me: ENV_JAVA['jars.home'] = File.expand_path( '../../vendor/jars', __FILE__ )
I also have been seeing an error in the Docker environment when I run gem install bundler
, which is:
you might need to reinstall the gem which depends on the missing jar or in case there is Jars.lock then resolve the jars with
commandno such file to load -- jar/my/app/requires (LoadError) do_require at /opt/jruby/jruby- block in require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar_with_block at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby- block in require at /opt/jruby/jruby- block in process at /opt/jruby/jruby- each_line at org/jruby/ process at /opt/jruby/jruby- process at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jars_lock! at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jars_lock at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby-
at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at org/jruby/ (root) at /opt/jruby/jruby- at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at org/jruby/ (root) at /opt/jruby/jruby- (root) at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at /opt/jruby/jruby- load_yaml at /opt/jruby/jruby- load_file at /opt/jruby/jruby- initialize at /opt/jruby/jruby- at /opt/jruby/jruby- load at org/jruby/ at /opt/jruby/jruby-
quick question before I look into this: do you need to use jbundler or would jar-dependencies
from jruby itself do the job for you. it can use the same Jarfile but comes with a command lock_jars
which produces a Jars.lock file. and vendoring works better with it.
@mkristian i'm actually not sure, to be honest. i've found it tough to sort out what my best option is. briefly, i have a gem that depends on a jar. (that much seems to be working fine) then i have an app that requires that gem, but in addition depends on another jar. the app itself i want to package as a jar ultimately. i'm happy to take your guidance on what the right practice is for my case.
Perhaps you can help me better understand how the process works? Edited: I misunderstood my error messages before, the error is happening at the gem install
stage. That makes sense with the stack trace too. It looks as if doing any kind of gem install is triggering an attempt to grab my app's jar dependency, which seems wrong to me.
@mooreniemi when installing a gem whether bundler or gem install
a post-install hook is triggered which does look if the gems has jar dependencies and installs them. to avoid this trigger set 'JARS_SKIP=true
on your shell environment. if rubocop
tries to install a the gem with jar dependencies then it will trigger the same post-install hook.
this problem is with a docker container ? is it possible for you to share the Dockerfile which fails ?
packing the app as a jar - with warbler or manually ? there are many ways to pack a ruby app as a jar ;)
the post-install hook of an independent gem triggering a dependence on my project's jars seems wrong though, no? i can see it trying to trigger jars it or its transitive dependencies depend on, but that's not the case here.
this is the entirety of the script that is still failing, even with the exported env var you suggested:
set -x
set -e
cd app_directory
export JARS_SKIP=true
jruby --version
jgem install rubocop
i will dig up the Dockerfile for the container my app is using FROM
as for packing up into a jar, i've been using warble
and that's be alright so far
@mooreniemi if you use warbler you need to stick to jbundler
the post-install hook only does something on a gem with its jar dependencies. any thing else is bug. I would appreciate if can provide a reproducable case for me. or setting JARS_DEBUG=true
should produce some output which can be helpful.
ill paste up the debug output soon, but fwiw i grabbed the Dockerfile
FROM java_base
RUN apk update && apk add --update bash
RUN mkdir -p /opt/jruby \
&& curl -fSL${JRUBY_VERSION}/jruby-bin-${JRUBY_VERSION}.tar.gz -o /tmp/jruby.tar.gz \
&& tar -zxf /tmp/jruby.tar.gz -C /opt/jruby \
&& rm /tmp/jruby.tar.gz
ENV PATH /opt/jruby/jruby-${JRUBY_VERSION}/bin:$PATH
RUN echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' >> ~/.gemrc
ENV GEM_HOME /usr/local/bundle
RUN gem install bundler \
&& bundle config --global path "$GEM_HOME" \
&& bundle config --global bin "$GEM_HOME/bin"
# don't create ".bundle" in all our apps
and the java_base
image looks like this:
From alpine-base
RUN apk update && apk add --update wget curl
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
RUN wget --no-check-certificate
RUN apk add --allow-untrusted glibc-2.23-r1.apk
RUN wget --no-check-certificate --no-cookies --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
RUN mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm
RUN tar zxfv server-jre-8u65-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/lib/jvm/
RUN mv /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_65 /usr/lib/jvm/oracle_jdk8
ENV J2REDIR /usr/lib/jvm/oracle_jdk8
ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/oracle_jdk8/bin
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/oracle_jdk8
RUN rm server-jre-8u65-linux-x64.tar.gz && \
apk del wget ca-certificates && \
rm -rf /tmp/* /var/cache/apk/* \
"$JAVA_HOME"/* \
"$JAVA_HOME"/* \
"$JAVA_HOME"/lib/missioncontrol \
"$JAVA_HOME"/lib/visualvm \
"$JAVA_HOME"/lib/*javafx* \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/plugin.jar \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/bin/javaws \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/javaws.jar \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/desktop \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/plugin \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/deploy* \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/*javafx* \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/*jfx* \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/amd64/ \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/amd64/libprism_*.so \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/amd64/ \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/amd64/ \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/amd64/ \
"$JAVA_HOME"/jre/lib/amd64/libjavafx*.so \
# Hotfix for glibc hack that fixes the order of DNS resolving (i.e. check /etc/hosts first and then lookup DNS-servers).
# To fix this we just create /etc/nsswitch.conf and add the following line:
RUN echo 'hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4' >> /etc/nsswitch.conf
COPY ./newrelic ./newrelic
COPY ./ ./
COPY ./ ./
thanx, will work through them tomorrow
thanks @mkristian -- i'm not seeing any additional output using the env var you suggested. i will see what i can dig up from my end.
oh this is alpine_base Dockerfile too
FROM alpine:3.3
RUN apk update && apk add --update openntpd
i added a puts
on L390 of jar_dependencies.rb
def require_jar( *args )
return nil unless Jars.require?
puts "#{args}"
and ran gem install rubocop
in several different directories
not my app
C02LX2KVFD58:~/random_dir gem install rubocop warning: --1.9 ignored Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0 jruby: warning: unknown property jruby.cext.enabled ["org.yaml", "snakeyaml", "1.14"] ["org.bouncycastle", "bcpkix-jdk15on", "1.54"] ["org.bouncycastle", "bcprov-jdk15on", "1.54"] Successfully installed rubocop-0.40.0 1 gem installed
my app (has a Jarfile
and vendor/jars
C02LX2KVFD58:~/my_app gem install rubocop warning: --1.9 ignored Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0 jruby: warning: unknown property jruby.cext.enabled ["org.yaml", "snakeyaml", "1.14"] ["custom", "internal-lib", "1.7.9"] ["org.javassist", "javassist", "3.19.0-GA"] ["", "annotations", "2.0.1"] ["log4j", "log4j", "1.2.17"] ["org.yaml", "snakeyaml", "1.14"] ["org.slf4j", "slf4j-api", "1.7.12"] ["commons-collections", "commons-collections", "3.2.1"] ["joda-time", "joda-time", "2.8.1"] ["commons-lang", "commons-lang", "2.6"] ["commons-pool", "commons-pool", "1.6"] ["org.reflections", "reflections", "0.9.10"] ["org.apache.commons", "commons-lang3", "3.0"] ["", "jsr305", "3.0.0"] ["commons-codec", "commons-codec", "1.10"] ["com.googlecode.json-simple", "json-simple", "1.1.1"] ["org.postgresql", "postgresql", "9.4-1201-jdbc41"] ["commons-validator", "commons-validator", "1.4.1"] ["com.rabbitmq", "amqp-client", "3.5.3"] ["commons-io", "commons-io", "2.4"] ["commons-beanutils", "commons-beanutils", "1.8.3"] ["com.mchange", "c3p0", ""] ["org.jodd", "jodd-core", "3.6.6"] ["commons-digester", "commons-digester", "1.8.1"] ["org.jsoup", "jsoup", "1.8.3"] ["", "guava", "18.0"] ["commons-logging", "commons-logging", "1.2"] ["org.jodd", "jodd-upload", "3.6.6"] ["junit", "junit", "4.10"] ["javax.validation", "validation-api", "1.1.0.Final"] ["org.jodd", "jodd-http", "3.6.6"] ["org.slf4j", "slf4j-log4j12", "1.7.12"] ["com.mchange", "mchange-commons-java", "0.2.10"] ["org.hamcrest", "hamcrest-core", "1.1"] ["org.bouncycastle", "bcpkix-jdk15on", "1.54"] ["org.bouncycastle", "bcprov-jdk15on", "1.54"] Successfully installed rubocop-0.40.0 1 gem installed
as further confirmation something is amiss, i changed the script being executed on my dockerized CI pipeline:
set -x
set -e
jruby --version
export JARS_DEBUG=true
export JARS_SKIP=true
jgem install rubocop
cd app_directory
and get the following error (the gem installs fine outside the app directory) but:
you might need to reinstall the gem which depends on the missing jar or in case there is Jars.lock then resolve the jars with
commandno such file to load -- zipcar/cheetah-sdk/1.7.9/cheetah-sdk-1.7.9 (LoadError) do_require at /opt/jruby/jruby- block in require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar_with_block at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby- block in require at /opt/jruby/jruby- block in process at /opt/jruby/jruby- each_line at org/jruby/ process at /opt/jruby/jruby- process at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jars_lock! at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jars_lock at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby- require_jar at /opt/jruby/jruby-
at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at org/jruby/ require at /opt/jruby/jruby- at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at org/jruby/ require at /opt/jruby/jruby- at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at org/jruby/ require at /opt/jruby/jruby- at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at org/jruby/ require at /opt/jruby/jruby- at /opt/jruby/jruby- require at org/jruby/ (root) at /usr/local/bundle/gems/rubocop-0.40.0/lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb:1 at /usr/local/bundle/gems/rubocop-0.40.0/lib/rubocop/config_loader_resolver.rb:4 load at org/jruby/ at /usr/local/bundle/bin/rubocop:23
@mooreniemi this looks ok for me. installing gems need yaml and yaml needs psych and psych needs a jar and then all jars gets installed when there is Jars.lock file. is there such file inside the vendor/jars directory ?
one thing I was thinking about: the error with you might need to reinstall the gem which depends on the missing jar or in case there is Jars.lock then resolve the jars with
means there jar-dependencies can find the jars.
I thought you have the jars vendored ?
@mkristian i'm really confused. if i am installing rubocop
-- i expect that to install the same in any directory. why would it depend on directory whether it loads extraneous jars it doesn't even use? this is precisely what i don't want in a dep manager: i want to deterministically know i'm loading stuff i need. "and then all jars gets installed" is just a huge leap to me.
i do have the jars vendored, but that was my original question: it never seems to pick that up, and always tries to go for .m2/
if i could force my project to use the jars in vendor/jars
this problem would be papered over, but i still think it is bad behavior
export JARS_HOME=path/to/vendor/jars
- not sure whether this what you tried.
since I do not fully understand why you see all those jars loaded, I can not say it is intended or not. is there a Jars.lock
file some where in app_directory
or app_directory/vendor
or app_directory/vendor/jars
contains a Jars.lock
. i will try exporting that env var for my docker containers. i bet it will fix this, but i'd still say just calling gem
or other ruby executables that require a jar shouldnt pull in all jars if, by chance, some other Jars.lock
file exists
looking into those vendor dirs is too much, you convinced me. ignoring the Jars.lock
in the current directory - not sure. so you rather have the application call Jars.setup
or something ? I appreciate your input !
exporting of the env var resolved my issue for the moment. maybe i could PR some wiki/readme changes to help the next peeps along?
i do think i would rather the application call Jars.setup
or like lock_jar jars = LockJar.load
. do you know how bundler handles this generally? they might be good to model off of, i don't know in depth :/
thanks for all your responses by the way, really appreciate the work you do on this.
I'm deploying an app in Docker. I won't have maven or the
repo in that environment. I usedjbundle install --vendor
to put the jars in avendor/jars
directory. How do I getJBUNDLER_LOCAL_REPO
to point tovendor/jars
or otherwise just not point to.m2