mks-greenfield / trendr

"don't create trends, follow them"
2 stars 5 forks source link

As a Developer, I would like... #48

Open bgoodfliesh opened 8 years ago

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

To set up a Cron job that pings GET trends/place and stores the trending data for various parts in the world: North America, South/Central America, Europe, Asia, etc...

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

To be able to filter the hashtags into some sort of category automatically (e.g. Sports, Politics, Holidays)

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

To Expand Express routes API to allow for more complicated queries to our DB

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

[Ambitious] To utilize the Twitter Public Streaming API to be able to pull real time data from twitter

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

To optimize queries to database to speed up loading time

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

To add additional views to the application (e.g. -Make new folder in /public with controller.js file and html view -Add controller.js script to index.html -Rename your module in controller.js -Add add module name to trendr variable in public/app.js -Add route handling in public/app.js -Add an anchor tag to link to your route )

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

Refactor to use custom directives to house all of the d3 logic ( all helpful, but 2nd blog post particularly relevant to this issue)

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

To have access to data for the most popular Tweeters (in terms of volume/followers) so we can see what the most "powerful" users on twitter tweet like (ParallelCoordinates recommended

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

To have dynamically updating (currently static for date: 01/04/16) trend data for topTrendsByCity (i.e. cron job)

bgoodfliesh commented 8 years ago

[bug] When going to /topTrendsByCity pressing the button before data loads causes an error

I want this to not be the case. (maybe let people know to not click with a spinner)