Official PyTorch implementation of "Camera Distance-aware Top-down Approach for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image", ICCV 2019
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Extracting human36 parsed images #131

Open vigneshrk29 opened 1 year ago

vigneshrk29 commented 1 year ago


I am trying to extract the parsed images of human36m. I could only get images.tar.gzaa to work the sh command. But I get the following error: gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file images/s_05_act_06_subact_01_ca_02/s_05_act_06_subact_01_ca_02_000871.jpg tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

Which results in the following error when I run OSError: Fail to read ../data/Human36M/images/s_09_act_02_subact_01_ca_01/s_09_act_02_subact_01_ca_01_000001.jpg

How do I fix this?

vigneshrk29 commented 1 year ago

Additionally, do I need all the images.tar.gzaa files to run

mks0601 commented 1 year ago

Download all tar.gz* and run sh

vigneshrk29 commented 1 year ago


I downloaded all the files and ran all the data. Still some folders required for testing are missing. Like s_11_act_06_subact_02_ca_02. Is it possible to just share the parsed data of subjects 9 and 11? Else how to proceed?


mks0601 commented 1 year ago

I think you didn't download properly.

  1. Download all tar.gz* and do not change their name
  2. check md5sum
  3. run the script that I uploaded (
vigneshrk29 commented 1 year ago


I re-downloaded everything, ran md5sum and ran the script. Still the error that some images are missing keeps occuring. Is there: 1 ) a way to specify a specific folder from the downloaded images to run testing 2) Just get the parsed data for subject 11 and 9

mks0601 commented 1 year ago

I've just downloaded and checked there is no problem. I can see s_11_act_06_subact_02_ca_02. Are you using Window? To answer your questions, there is no way for that.

vigneshrk29 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I am working on windows (WSL). The data is unzipped to an external hardisk as I dont have that much space on my laptop. For example, how many times I run the extract code, the folder s09_act_02_subact_01_01 is never unzipped

mks0601 commented 1 year ago

I guess that is the problem. I have seen some guys fail to unzip data with Window. Do you have any linux machines?

vigneshrk29 commented 1 year ago

I have windows subsystem for linux but the space is not sufficient. Is there anyway to make it work on a windows system?

mks0601 commented 1 year ago

sorry I have no window machine, so I can't do any test..

tribeband commented 1 year ago

I run the command in Linux. but it still return wrong. File "E:\Tools\anaconda\envs\cv\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data_utils\", line 163, in collate_tensor_fn return torch.stack(batch, 0, out=out) RuntimeError: stack expects each tensor to be equal size, but got [15, 3] at entry 0 and [16, 3] at entry 1

The files download saved in the harddisk: augmented_set.tar-004.gzaa, augmented_set.tar-007.gzab, augmented_set.tar-005.gzac, augmented_set.tar-006.gzad

mks0601 commented 1 year ago

Please do not change the filenames. The original ones do not have -004, -007 like this. And run to unzip them