Hi, I am trying to use a video as an input in demo.py. I hope finally I can get a video that a model make same action as a human.
Therefore, I have to get bbox frame by frame, but bbox is manually set in demo.py line60.
I am wondering if I can call the function get_bbox() in ./utils/preprocessing.py to get bbox.
If get_bbox() actually works, then how to set the arguments "joint_img、joint_valid"?
Or is there any suggestion for using a video to demo?
Hi, I am trying to use a video as an input in demo.py. I hope finally I can get a video that a model make same action as a human. Therefore, I have to get bbox frame by frame, but bbox is manually set in demo.py line60. I am wondering if I can call the function get_bbox() in ./utils/preprocessing.py to get bbox. If get_bbox() actually works, then how to set the arguments "joint_img、joint_valid"?
Or is there any suggestion for using a video to demo?