mkscho63 / sta

This is an unofficial system for Foundry VTT using Modiphius's Star Trek Adventures 2d20 RPG. This system attempts to replicate the feeling of playing through an episode of the epic SciFi that is Star Trek. I am in no way associated with Modiphius.
MIT License
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Item Folders Can't Delete #55

Open Bluejeanjedi opened 2 years ago

Bluejeanjedi commented 2 years ago

I'm experiencing an odd little issue. I was organizing my item folders (and subfolders) with items made in FVTT. Example: Weapons --> Melee Weapons --> Ranged

Oddly enough, while in the middle of making these, all the subfolders were kicked out of the main. No folder can be moved. And I cannot delete these folders or edit them in any way.

I tried resetting and uninstalling the system module. There are no modules activated in this system. Any help welcomed, thanks.


mkscho63 commented 1 year ago

Is this still an issue, I suspect this might have been an issue in Foundry because I'm unable to recreate the issue in the current version (sorry for the extremely late response). Wanted to check before I closed the issue.