mkscho63 / sta

This is an unofficial system for Foundry VTT using Modiphius's Star Trek Adventures 2d20 RPG. This system attempts to replicate the feeling of playing through an episode of the epic SciFi that is Star Trek. I am in no way associated with Modiphius.
MIT License
32 stars 33 forks source link

Development Continuing? (version question) #72

Closed Bluejeanjedi closed 1 year ago

Bluejeanjedi commented 1 year ago

Hey there. With the new version 10 growing closer for Foundry, I was curious if development was still happening with this app. I enjoy using it but want to make sure I know which version to halt at if this is the final version. Thanks in advance!

mkscho63 commented 1 year ago

It will be updated, I have a week off of work coming soon and a laundry list of things I’ll try to get done, v10 compatibility is near the top of the list. I’d say hold off on upgrading for now but hopefully I have it upgraded before the end of august.

Bluejeanjedi commented 1 year ago

Awesome. Certainly, no rush, I appreciate the work! Just wanted to make sure I didn't break something. :)

CoolcatFVTT commented 1 year ago

Cool! No rush from me either, but looking forward to it :)

mkscho63 commented 1 year ago

v10 should be available now. I have all my relevant changes up on develop now fixing any outstanding issues I knew of. With the 1.1.10 release of the system I'll be closing this issue. If there are other compatibility problems please don't hesitate to either reopen or report new issues. Thanks so much for the callouts on here and hope your games go well!