mkscho63 / sta

This is an unofficial system for Foundry VTT using Modiphius's Star Trek Adventures 2d20 RPG. This system attempts to replicate the feeling of playing through an episode of the epic SciFi that is Star Trek. I am in no way associated with Modiphius.
MIT License
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Attempting to Create NPC with Attributes Lower Than 7 resets it to 7 #80

Closed Aceman67 closed 1 year ago

Aceman67 commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to create NPCs with attributes lower than 7 (A Targ from the CRB, p340), but when I try and set any of the values below 7, the sheet resets it to 7.

This wasn't an issue before the update to FVTT v10.

rrautkor commented 1 year ago

I just noticed the same thing. It's obviously helpful for players to have the values clamped in order to avoid accidentally entering invalid inputs, but there needs to be some way of overriding the default behavior.

A quick fix would be to check some sort of tag in the character name I've been using [Minor], [Notable], and [Major] to indicate NPC characters, but a simple [NPC] might do. Also the Child Characters options from the Player's Guide may result in a character having an Attribute under 7, so maybe a [Child] tag for that might be helpful as well.

A proper UI for additional character options would of course be nice, too. Some of the fields and the Reputation track at the top are quite unnecessary for NPCs.

mkscho63 commented 1 year ago

I've included the tag solution in the package that should be going out with 1.1.10. Thanks to @rrautkor for doing this fix for the time being. I'll leave this issue open for the time being because I agree we should have a proper UI for this though. Thanks for the reports, opinions, and help with a potential solution!

mkscho63 commented 1 year ago

Reopening because I must have accidentally hit close with comment before.

One idea I was mulling about was adding a system level Game Setting to just remove the attribute/discipline limits that are in place. This way the person running gets to decide what they prefer, using the tags that were added in with 1.1.10 or just turning that automation off entirely.

MrNightwood commented 1 year ago

Definitely in support of the option to remove the hard limits. I had edited the JS file myself in previous versions to remove the lower limit so that the option was available, and of course was no incentive for my players to "cheat" by giving themselves lowered stats. In my opinion the tags solution is more cumbersome than it needs to be, the simple and more elegant solution to me is just being allowed to remove the limitations in the first place and letting the GM be the arbiter of the rules.

MattBridger777 commented 1 year ago

There are some creatures in some of the pre-written adventures, for instance the episode "Darkness" in "Strange New Worlds," that have attributes above 12. So having the ability to alter/ignore the min/max values would be nice.

mkscho63 commented 1 year ago

Implementing a setting with the next release that will allow users to override these limits. Just go into system settings and select that you want to "Ignore normal Max/Min limits..." for whatever values you want that automation removed from. I'll get some screenshots up in a lil bit.

mkscho63 commented 1 year ago
