mkscho63 / sta

This is an unofficial system for Foundry VTT using Modiphius's Star Trek Adventures 2d20 RPG. This system attempts to replicate the feeling of playing through an episode of the epic SciFi that is Star Trek. I am in no way associated with Modiphius.
MIT License
32 stars 33 forks source link

Bug, or missing Feature? If so. please take this as Suggestion. :D #86

Open x-SubjectZERO-x opened 1 year ago

x-SubjectZERO-x commented 1 year ago

Hello. First of all i got to say that i`m really new to Foundry, and aswell your STA module. Your work is really Great, and will be a big help for our ongoing adventures. :) Thank you for that! I hope its understandable what i want to say, because english isn't my native language.

Now for the request/question. There are Talents wich modify some values. Is it planned to integrate them into the calculations? In Example. The Character has the Talent "Steadfast?", hope its translated correctly, because i only have the the german Core Rulebook. This Talent adds 3 Points to the maximum Stress. But in the Character sheet The Stress Tracker only shows the combined Value of Fitness and Security. And there is no Option to add points. So it also shows the wrong Value at the Character Token. Maybe a simple Way would be, to add a field to manually increase the Values "+/- X"

Onother Question is: Maybe i just miss them, but are there any options to track the used/unused Milestones of all three kinds? If not. it would be really cool i you add something like that.

I hope you take this as a constructive comment. Your Work is great, and i look forward to whatever additions you make.

mkscho63 commented 1 year ago

I will say that the options that increase Stress/Shields/etc SHOULD be handled manually by the system. E.G. if you add a talent named Steadfast then I have some custom handling that will increase the stress threshold for that character. As far as adding support in for active effects like allowing people to control this themselves, I'd love to do it at some point, I just haven't gotten back around to doing any heavy work again lately. Definitely a good idea to have that supported in the system though. Thanks for posting this, I'm always down to hear more feedback, even though I'm slow to work on the system the feedback is still heard and welcome!

x-SubjectZERO-x commented 1 year ago

Hey. Its really ok, if you're "slow to work on the System". I think we're all glad it even exists. Grateful for the work you do. Unfortunately i can't find how this should work: -> "E.G. if you add a talent named Steadfast then I have some custom handling that will increase the stress threshold for that character"... Maybe i just understand it wrong. But if i don't misunderstand, you say that it already should work that the points ar added to Stress/Shield, if theres Talents wich should raise them? "Custom Handling?" How should it Work? Wich Option do i have to Choose, that the Points raise? Sorry for eating up your time.

xanstin commented 10 months ago

I was looking into this as well. Looks like if you add the talent which is "Resolute" (English Localization) into the talent list the stress was added automatically. Possible it is a localization issue. image

xanstin commented 10 months ago

Yeah its coded specifically for the english word right now and not localized. image

mkscho63 commented 10 months ago

Ah yeah that’ll do it. I’ll swap that around.