mkscho63 / sta

This is an unofficial system for Foundry VTT using Modiphius's Star Trek Adventures 2d20 RPG. This system attempts to replicate the feeling of playing through an episode of the epic SciFi that is Star Trek. I am in no way associated with Modiphius.
MIT License
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Starship Weapons with Include Scale Not Rolling Proper Amount of Challenge Dice #96

Open MrNightwood opened 1 year ago

MrNightwood commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug The Include Scale quality added in the recent update is not functioning properly. It does display the proper amount on the actor sheet, however when actually rolling only the number from the Damage field +Security is rolled, ignoring the added dice from the ship's scale.

To Reproduce

  1. Create a starship weapon with the Include Scale quality checked
  2. Add the weapon to a starship sheet with a Scale of at least 1
  3. Roll the weapon and compare the amount of dice rolled with the amount listed on the sheet

Expected behavior The weapon should roll a number of challenge dice equal to the damage value + Security + Scale. This should match the quantity listed on the starship sheet.

Screenshots image

mkscho63 commented 1 year ago

Aww shoot, that’s right. I’ll take a look at this.

tokeidlom commented 1 day ago

Fix for this is rolled into #109