mkvenkit / mico

Open Source PDM to USB microphone based on the Raspberry PI RP2040.
MIT License
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Kickstarter To Manufacture "Mico" Underway #4

Closed jlpoolen closed 2 years ago

jlpoolen commented 2 years ago

I've decided to move forward and explore having a Kickstarter program to do a production run of this component. I'm awaiting a "turn-key" quotation from PCBAssemblyExpress in Oregon, When I have the quotation and hear back from Mahesh, I'll update this issue. See Issue #3

I have no experience with Kickstarter, but believe it to be a highly reputable company. Mahesh seems to have done all the leg work and produced a ready-to-manufacture product. So the question now is whether there would be demand to generate a production run. And, of course, at what cost. I am thinking if I can obtain a quotation for ready-to-use components, the only other task would be fulfillment and I am looking at to handle that so that my role in this matter is simply managerial.

mkvenkit commented 2 years ago

Hi John,

I am already working on manufacturing Mico. I open-sourced Mico so people could learn from the design and build it for personal use. But if you plan to manufacture it for commercial use, you'll need to license the design from me. I've updated the readme to make this clear.


jlpoolen commented 2 years ago

Hi Mahesh,

I have no desire to commercialize the product. I simply would like to have a working unit and thought a Kickstarter project would accomplish that passing the cost onto subscribers. If you want a license fee, that could be worked in, I have no problem with that. But you have now indicated you are working on manufacturing so I see no point in pursuing the matter from my standpoint. Unless you'd like to collaborate, I'll stop pursuing this and await your announcement of a plan and estimated shipping date.

Cheers, John

mahesh-electronut commented 2 years ago

Hi John,

I appreciate your response. If you need a working unit, I can send you one. Please email me at . So many people are interested in this product, but it takes time to plan out manufacturing. I might make a small batch myself so I can send out samples. Thanks for your interest.

jlpoolen commented 2 years ago

Hi Mahesh,

No need to send me one, I'll await what your manufacturing pursuit reveals. In the meantime, I copied you with a private email to the company I was approaching. Your project segues into another larger project I have in mind, but I'm still a far distance away from that other project and thought having the microphone component settled and proven would be a minor milestone. I should note that I had as a desirable goal that the product be manufactured here in the United States (I thought this might be a good selling point)... yes, at greater cost. I grow weary of products breaking down and would like to deal with a company that has accountability.

This project is your baby... so run with it and best of luck!

Cheers, John

jlpoolen commented 2 years ago