ml-explore / mlx-swift-examples

Examples using MLX Swift
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Phi-2 on iOS, bad responses #37

Open taylorgoolsby opened 6 months ago

taylorgoolsby commented 6 months ago

I am running the phi-2 on iOS using the code from LLMEval.

I have ported over an implementation of the CodeGen Tokenizer into swift as a standalone file:

import Foundation

struct BPEMerge: Hashable {
  let first: String
  let second: String

class CodeGenTokenizer {
  let encoder: [String: Int]
  let decoder: [Int: String]
  let errors: String
  let byteEncoder: [UInt8: String]
  let byteDecoder: [String: UInt8]
  let bpeRanks: [BPEMerge: Int]
  var cache: [String: String] = [:]
  let addPrefixSpace: Bool
  let pat: NSRegularExpression
  let unkToken: String
  let bosToken: String
  let eosToken: String
  let padToken: String?
  let addBosToken: Bool

  // CodeGenTokenizer.swift

  // ...

  init() {
    self.errors = "replace"
    self.byteEncoder = CodeGenTokenizer.bytesToUnicode()
    self.byteDecoder = self.byteEncoder.invertedDict()
    self.addPrefixSpace = false
    self.unkToken = "<|endoftext|>"
    self.bosToken = "<|endoftext|>"
    self.eosToken = "<|endoftext|>"
    self.padToken = nil
    self.addBosToken = false

    if let vocabPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "CodeGen-vocab", ofType: "json"),
       let vocabData = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: vocabPath)),
       let vocabJSON = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: vocabData, options: []) as? [String: Int] {
      self.encoder = vocabJSON
    } else {
      fatalError("Failed to load vocab file")

    self.decoder = self.encoder.invertedDict()

    if let mergesPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "CodeGen-merges", ofType: "txt"),
       let mergesData = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: mergesPath)),
       let mergesString = String(data: mergesData, encoding: .utf8) {
      let lines = mergesString.split(separator: "\n")
      if lines.count > 2 {
        let bpeMerges = lines[1..<(lines.count - 1)]
          .map { index, line -> (Int, BPEMerge) in
            let pair = line.split(separator: " ")
            return (index, BPEMerge(first: String(pair[0]), second: String(pair[1])))
        self.bpeRanks = Dictionary<BPEMerge, Int>(uniqueKeysWithValues: { ($0.1, $0.0) })
      } else {
        print("Merges file does not have enough lines. Skipping BPE merges.")
        self.bpeRanks = [:]
    } else {
      fatalError("Failed to load merges file")

    self.pat = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: #"'s|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d| ?\p{L}+| ?\p{N}+| ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+|\s+(?!\S)|\s+"#)

  // ...

  var unknownTokenId: Int {
    return self.encoder[self.unkToken]!

  var eosTokenId: Int {
    return self.encoder[self.eosToken]!

  var vocabSize: Int {
    return self.encoder.count

  func getVocab() -> [String: Int] {
    return self.encoder

  func bpe(token: String) -> String {
    print("token \(token)")

    if let cached = self.cache[token] {
      return cached

    var word = { String($0) }

    var pairs = CodeGenTokenizer.getPairs(word: word)

    if pairs.isEmpty {
      return token

    while true {
      if let bigram = pairs.min(by: { self.bpeRanks[$0, default: Int.max] < self.bpeRanks[$1, default: Int.max] }) {
        if !self.bpeRanks.keys.contains(bigram) {
        let (first, second) = (bigram.first, bigram.second)
        var newWord: [String] = []
        var i = 0
        while i < word.count {
          if let j = word[i..<word.count].firstIndex(of: first) {
            newWord.append(contentsOf: word[i..<j])
            i = j

            if word[i] == first && i < word.count - 1 && word[i + 1] == second {
              newWord.append(first + second)
              i += 2
            } else {
              i += 1
          } else {
            newWord.append(contentsOf: word[i..<word.count])
        word = newWord
        if word.count == 1 {
        } else {
          pairs = CodeGenTokenizer.getPairs(word: word)
      } else {
    let res = word.joined(separator: " ")
    self.cache[token] = res
    return res

  func encodeUtf8(_ str: String) -> [UInt8] {
    let utf8Bytes = Array(str.utf8)
    return utf8Bytes

  func tokenize(text: String) -> [String] {
    var bpeTokens: [String] = []
    let matches = self.pat.matches(in: text, range: NSRange(text.startIndex..., in: text))
    for match in matches {
      let token = String(text[Range(match.range, in: text)!])
      let bytes = encodeUtf8(token)
      let encodedToken = { self.byteEncoder[UInt8($0), default: ""] }.joined()
      let bpeTokensForToken = self.bpe(token: encodedToken).split(separator: " ").map { String($0) }
      bpeTokens.append(contentsOf: bpeTokensForToken)
    return bpeTokens

  func encode(text: String) -> [Int] {
    let tokens = self.tokenize(text: text)
    return { self.encoder[$0, default: self.encoder[self.unkToken]!] }

  func decode(tokenIds: [Int], skipSpecialTokens: Bool = false, cleanUpTokenizationSpaces: Bool? = nil, truncateBeforePattern: [String]? = nil) -> String {
    var tokens: [String] = []
    for tokenId in tokenIds {
      if let token = self.decoder[tokenId] {
      } else {

    if skipSpecialTokens {
      tokens = tokens.filter { $0 != self.bosToken && $0 != self.eosToken && $0 != self.padToken }

    var decodedText = self.convertTokensToString(tokens: tokens)

    if let cleanUpTokenizationSpaces = cleanUpTokenizationSpaces, cleanUpTokenizationSpaces {
      decodedText = decodedText.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")

    if let truncateBeforePattern = truncateBeforePattern {
      for pattern in truncateBeforePattern {
        if let range = decodedText.range(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression) {
          decodedText = String(decodedText[..<range.lowerBound])

    return decodedText

  func convertTokensToString(tokens: [String]) -> String {
    let text = tokens.joined()
    let byteArray = { self.byteDecoder[String($0), default: 0] }
    return String(bytes: byteArray, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""

  static func bytesToUnicode() -> [UInt8: String] {
    var bs: [UInt8] = Array(UInt8(33)...UInt8(126)) + Array(UInt8(161)...UInt8(172)) + Array(UInt8(174)...UInt8(255))
    var cs: [String] = { String(Unicode.Scalar($0)) }
    var n = 0
    for b in 0..<(1 << 8) {
      if !bs.contains(UInt8(b)) {
        // Adjust the starting point for mapping non-included bytes to correctly include "Ġ"
        // Given "Ġ" = 288 and it needs to be assigned to space (32), which is the first non-included byte,
        // we set the base to 256 (0x100) to align with the Python implementation's logic
        cs.append(String(Unicode.Scalar(0x100 + n)!))
        n += 1
    return Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(bs, cs))

  static func getPairs(word: [String]) -> Set<BPEMerge> {
    var pairs = Set<BPEMerge>()
    let prevChars = word.dropLast()
    let nextChars = word.dropFirst()

    for (prev, next) in zip(prevChars, nextChars) {
      pairs.insert(BPEMerge(first: prev, second: next))

    return pairs

extension Dictionary where Value: Hashable {
  typealias InvertedDictionary<Value: Hashable, Key: Hashable> = [Value: Key]

  func invertedDict() -> InvertedDictionary<Value, Key> {
    return InvertedDictionary<Value, Key>(uniqueKeysWithValues: { ($1, $0) })

I have now having an issue generating the response from phi-2. Even though the tokenizer seems to be correct, the response from Phi-2 is incoherent.

For reference here is a snippet of the code which generates tokens:

func runModelAsync(fromText prompt: String) async throws -> String {
        do {
            let (model, _) = try await loadModel()

            await {
                running = true
                self.output = ""

            // augment the prompt as needed
            let prompt = modelConfiguration.prepare(prompt: prompt)
            let promptTokens = MLXArray(tokenizer.encode(text: prompt))
            print("Prompt: \(prompt)")

            // each time you generate you will get something new
            MLXRandom.seed(UInt64(Date.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate * 1000))

            var outputTokens = [Int]()

            for token in TokenIterator(prompt: promptTokens, model: model, temp: temperature) {
                let tokenId = token.item(Int.self)

                if tokenId == tokenizer.unknownTokenId {
                    print("Break unknown token")

                if tokenId == tokenizer.eosTokenId {
                    print("Break eos token")

                let text = tokenizer.decode(tokenIds: outputTokens)

                print("Generating \(text)")

                // update the output -- this will make the view show the text as it generates
                await {
                    self.output = text

                if outputTokens.count == maxTokens {
                    print("Break maxTokens")

            await {
                running = false
        } catch {
            await {
                running = false
                output = "Failed: \(error)"
      return self.output

Here are the print logs:

Prompt: Instruct: Hi how are you?
array([43993, 25, 15902, ..., 26410, 25, 220], dtype=int32)
Generating 你
Generating 你好
Generating 你好,
Generating 你好,我
Generating 你好,我很
Generating 你好,我很好
Generating 你好,我很好。
Generating 你好,我很好。

Break unknown token

Can anyone point me in the right direction to fixing this?

taylorgoolsby commented 6 months ago

I noticed mlx-community/phi-2-hf-4bit-mlx has some custom python code which should be ran when using the python version of MLX. Since this custom code does not run on swift, does the Phi class in LLMEval implement a port of that custom code?

davidkoski commented 6 months ago

I noticed mlx-community/phi-2-hf-4bit-mlx has some custom python code which should be ran when using the python version of MLX. Since this custom code does not run on swift, does the Phi class in LLMEval implement a port of that custom code?

No, the code has some simple prompt augmentation, but it doesn't use the config:

For the general issue of debugging the tokenizer, since we have a working python version it is probably easiest to compare to that. I wrote up some thoughts here, see if they help: