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MLX: An array framework for Apple silicon
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Make array conform to the Python Buffer Protocol #323

Closed dastrobu closed 4 months ago

dastrobu commented 5 months ago

Proposed changes

Make array conform to the Buffer Protocol.

The method __array__ is replaced by implementing the Python Buffer Protocol.


Closes #320

Writable Memory Views

Enabling writable memory views has both advantages and a drawback.

As highlighted in the summary, mlx-data relies on in-place modifications to buffers. If mlx-data were to use mlx arrays in the future, which is a sensible idea, mlx arrays must expose writable buffers, as demonstrated in this pull request. An alternative would be to refactor mlx-data such that it always returns new arrays on transformations and does not modify memory in place.

The downside is that direct modification of memory through buffers will not be captured by the grad tracer. Thus, this pull request allows developers to unintentionally cause issues, as illustrated in the following test case:

def test_array_views_and_grad(self):
    x = mx.zeros(1)

    def f(x):
        x[:] += 1
        return x @ x

    y, df = mx.value_and_grad(f)(x)
    self.assertEqual(y.item(), 1)
    self.assertEqual(df.item(), 2)

    def g(x):
        x_view = np.array(x, copy=False)
        x_view[:] += 1 # modify memory without telling mx
        return mx.array(x @ x)

    y, dg = mx.value_and_grad(g)(x)
    self.assertEqual(y.item(), 1)
    self.assertEqual(dg.item(), 2) # this fails, as +1 is not picked up by the tracer.

If preventing such issues is desired, the pull request can be modified to return read-only buffers easily, albeit with the drawback of not supporting in-place operations as done in mlx-data. For comparison, TensorFlow has implemented the buffer protocol such that it returns read-only buffers.

From my perspective, having the flexibility to perform in-place operations on buffers outweighs the concern of potential broken gradients. I would like reviewers to pay special attention to this aspect.


Put an x in the boxes that apply.

awni commented 5 months ago

This looks super cool! One thing I'm wondering is what is the expected behavior when the mx.array goes out of scope but I still have a pointer to the memory via say memoryview (or another numpy array). Is that undefined? From what I can tell the array will still be freed and so will it's data so writing to the memory pointed to by the memorview is no good?

dastrobu commented 5 months ago

@awni thanks for the feedback. I'll be happy to contribute if this is a desired feature.

Regarding your question:

Is that undefined? From what I can tell the array will still be freed and so will its data so writing to the memory pointed to by the memorview is no good?

I think this is handled by Py_buffer.obj. The python buffer holds a reference to the exporting object, which will prevent deletion of the array. So it should be well defined behavior. Let's hope pybind11 is handling it right for us. Since they document this feature extensively, I guess they will.

Maybe we could take this further by constructing a numpy array via the memory view and return it form __array__. Then this would be a writable numpy array view holding a reference to the mlx array. In pseudo code:

def __array__(self):
    return np.array(self, copy=False)

This should work for all but bfloat16, where we could still return a converted readonly float32 np array.

dastrobu commented 5 months ago

Even better: __array__ could be removed altogether. There is only the edge case of auto conversion from bfloat16 to float32. But it might be better to do this explicitly anyway. Removing __array__ fixes as well (tested locally). In essence, I think mlx-data could just use mlx arrays in all places after this change.

@awni I updated this draft and I think it is quite a simplification and generalization compared to __array__. I wasn't aware of this when starting with the buffer protocol.

awni commented 5 months ago

This looks great to me. I don't see any obvious reasons not to go this path. It seems strictly more useful than __array__ and keeps things pretty simple which is nice!

Adding @jagrit06 @angeloskath in case they see anything I might be missing here.

awni commented 5 months ago

@dastrobu I think you should PR this!

dastrobu commented 5 months ago

Let me check some details and add some test cases, then I'll turn the draft into a PR for review.

dastrobu commented 5 months ago

PR is ready for review. Looking forward to your feedback.

One thing I'm wondering is what is the expected behavior when the mx.array goes out of scope [...] Is that undefined?

@awni I added two test cases to verify references are handled as expected.

angeloskath commented 5 months ago

This looks great to me. I am trying to remember why we opted not to implement the buffer protocol. I can't think of any reason. However, we were returning non-writeable arrays so that it doesn't cause confusing behavior.

For instance the example provided (thanks for writing a nice document btw) is not quite right. The reason it returns 0 is because you are making a new array. If instead you were simply returning x @ x as in function f, then you would get the correct gradient. And that is way more confusing than getting 0s.

angeloskath commented 5 months ago

So to sum up, I like it and I will do a closer review later but I am leaning towards returning non-writeable buffers. What do you guys think @awni and @jagrit06 ?

awni commented 5 months ago
    def g(x):
        x_view = np.array(x, copy=False)
        x_view[:] += 1 # modify memory without telling mx
        return mx.array(x @ x)

That code is a pretty explicit situation (copy=False + taking grads). Dangerous words perhaps, but i can't imagine anyone expecting function transforms to "work" (not even sure what the right thing to expect there is), when you do that.

I'm not advocating for writeable buffers, just that case doesn't have much weight for me.

What exactly do we lose by making buffers read only (the safer and hence default option)?

dastrobu commented 5 months ago

If instead you were simply returning x @ x as in function f, then you would get the correct gradient. And that is way more confusing than getting 0s.

That code is a pretty explicit situation (copy=False + taking grads). Dangerous words perhaps, but i can't imagine anyone expecting function transforms to "work" (not even sure what the right thing to expect there is), when you do that.

Thank you for examining the example. Upon reflection, it appears to be unrelated to readonly views, as demonstrated by:

def g(x):
    x = np.array(x, copy=True)
    x[:] += 1
    return mx.array(x @ x)

This is doable with the current implementation, and of course it would also not get the right gradients. Nevertheless, unintended conversions may occur when interfacing with certain libraries. It seems advisable to highlight this behavior to developers in any case.

So this doesn't appear to be inherently advantageous or detrimental to writable buffers.

Sending mx.array into ops is a nice feature. Could we get that behavior by casting to numpy in before performing the op (or something like that)?

This was actually what started me to look into this. If buffers are exposed read only, should brute force write to them anyway.

Pipelines are currently implemented such that buffers are modified in place. So if buffers should stay read only this would require some refactoring. I am not sure what performance impact that would have on pipelines operating on large datasets. I really like the concept of buffers and streams as they are quite powerful. But always remembering when to use a np array and when to use a mx array really causes a headache.

Once there is agreement on the direction to go, I can update the docs accordingly.

awni commented 5 months ago

This was actually what started me to look into this. If buffers are exposed read only, should brute force write to them anyway.

I thought about this a bit more, and I appreciate this use case (and similar use cases), but I don't think they are worth making the buffer writeable for. Putting MLX writeable array buffers into black box APIs seems risky in general.

Shall we go with read-only for now? Is everyone ok with that? @angeloskath @dastrobu ?

dastrobu commented 5 months ago

Putting MLX writeable array buffers into black box APIs seems risky in general.

Could you elaborate on your specific concerns? Furthermore, it would be valuable to discuss the recommended approach for mlx-data or similar use cases.

Take, for instance, the image_random_h_flip function. It serves as an ideal model for potential extensions, with the capability to support both np and mx arrays through the buffer protocol. However, when dealing with read-only buffers, the question arises how the implementation C extension should look like?

I am open to the read-only solution, provided we can establish a clear and viable path for addressing such cases.

awni commented 4 months ago

@dastrobu we discussed a bit offline and the conclusion was that we can keep buffers writable (as you have it). We'll see how it goes, if there are some hiccups from we can come back and change it.

Did you have anything else to add to this PR? If not I can take a final pass and we can land it?

dastrobu commented 4 months ago

@dastrobu we discussed a bit offline and the conclusion was that we can keep buffers writable (as you have it). We'll see how it goes, if there are some hiccups from we can come back and change it.

Great approach. I'll be the first one to create an issue on a hiccup if I find one 😉

Did you have anything else to add to this PR? If not I can take a final pass and we can land it?

Regarding the PR, I've incorporated all our discussions and considered the comments from @angeloskath in updating the documentation. Please take a moment to review the revised documentation. Beyond that, the PR is good to go from my perspective.

Lastly, a big thank you to all the reviewers for engaging in such a positive and constructive discussion. In my opinion, the success of open source projects is not solely dependent on good code but also on individuals like you who invest time and effort in discussions with community members like myself.

dastrobu commented 4 months ago

I left a couple of minor comments there could you take a look?

Thanks, everything should be resolved now.