ml-in-barcelona / jsoo-react

js_of_ocaml bindings for ReactJS. Based on ReasonReact.
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Improve error messaging on `InvalidProp` #94

Open davesnx opened 2 years ago

davesnx commented 2 years ago

Errors look like this

→ ~/C/g/r/jsoo-react on Type-safe-html-tags ✗ make

File "", lines 109-111, characters 2-10:
109 | ..((div ~cols:1 ~href:(("")
110 |       [@reason.raw_literal ""]) ~children:[foo] ())
111 |   [@JSX ])
Error: prop 'cols' isn't a valid prop for a 'div'

TypeScript version, from the current type-checked from TS

Type '{ children: Element[]; classId: string; }' is not assignable to type 'DetailedHTMLProps<ObjectHTMLAttributes<HTMLObjectElement>, HTMLObjectElement>'.
  Property 'classId' does not exist on type 'DetailedHTMLProps<ObjectHTMLAttributes<HTMLObjectElement>, HTMLObjectElement>'. Did you mean 'classID'?

We could aim to have a similar output as our type-checker but I believe is rather useless, the output on the labelled argument being miss-spelt or unknown looks like

Maybe we could aim for something more simple:

File "", lines 109-111, characters 2-10:
109 | ..((div ~cols:1 ~href:(("")
110 |       [@reason.raw_literal ""]) ~children:[foo] ())
111 |   [@JSX ])
Error: 'div' contains an invalid prop: 'cols'.
It only accepts 'Global attributes' defined in

and including a fancy Levenshtein distance with the rest of the props from the element: Maybe you mean xxxx.