ml-resources / deeplearning-keras

Deep Learning with Keras
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Source data/input data request for Order Reference: PAC-19-29262515-1764776 Keras Deep Learning Cookbook [eBook] #7

Open DeeDaiDaniels opened 5 years ago

DeeDaiDaniels commented 5 years ago

Keras Deep Learning Cookbook [eBook]
Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to have access to download all of the source data to windows env (not linux/unix env) for this book I purchased a couple of days ago.Thanks. Yueying The data for this recipe can be found at intel-mobileodt-cervical-cancer-screening. The dataset is part of the challenge to develop an algorithm that accurately identifies a woman's cervix type based on images. Doing so will prevent ineffectual treatments and allow healthcare providers to give a proper referral for cases that require more advanced treatment. As a first step, clone the GitHub repository at deeplearning-keras/tree/ed1/ch05. Download and save the training and test sets to the data folder in the repository: train.7z: The training set. The images are organized in their labeled categories: Type_1, Type_2, and Type_3. test.7z: The test set.