ml5js / ml5-website-v02-gatsby

A work-in-progress repo for the new website of ml5.js
MIT License
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ml5.js tutorials (WIP) #2

Open jackbdu opened 3 months ago

jackbdu commented 3 months ago

Hello all! As a part of the ml5.js Research Studio, I'm creating a series of ml5.js tutorials for absolute beginners (read my project proposal).

I'm currently working on the lesson plans, which you can find in this ml5js-tutorials repo. As you can see in the lesson plans, I'm hoping to dedicate a whole lesson on p5.js basics so that learners can start completely from scratch here, and I will slowly add in more programming concepts/techniques throughout the tutorials.

I'm also actively experimenting with ml5.js in my ongoing daily experiments (such as this interactive melody painter using handPose, this mouth-controlled FM synthesizer using faceMesh, this interactive visual consisting of a circle of bodyPose figures, this drawing experiment with handPose, and this hand-following experiment using handPose).

All comments and feedback are appreciated!

Thank you!

shiffman commented 3 months ago

Thank you for providing this update @jackbdu, wow, I love all of the demos on instagram, these are fantastic! I wonder if a good place to add them would the [Featured Projects( pages, what do you think @MOQN?

Also @jackbdu, for accessibility, it's best to link each of your urls to descriptive text rather than using "here" or "this"! (The w3c WCAG site has some more info about "click here" links.)

jackbdu commented 3 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing the WCAG link @shiffman, I've always wondered which way is better, and now I know. I've updated all the links in my previous comment.

So happy to hear you love my sketches!