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definition templating language #243

Open kevindrosendahl opened 5 years ago

kevindrosendahl commented 5 years ago

consider replacing our current primitive ${param} with an external more fully featured templating solution

Templating Solution Contenders

Implementation Considerations


Currently, template resolution occurs in the build controller.

The jsonnet documentation nicely summarizes some of the issues that we would face when using any external solution that has the potential to consume large amounts of resources. Indeed a version of this problem somewhat already exists in the component resolver as it is today. One example manifestation is if a reference references itself, we don't detect the cycle and you can stall the controller.

Proposed solution

Run a sidecar definition resolution service alongside the controller-manager. This would be a grpc service defined as:

syntax = "proto3"

// Note these are the arguments to pkg/definition/resolver.Interface.Resolve
message ResolveDefinitionRequest {
  // json encoded component
  string component = 1;
  string system_id = 2;
  string path = 3;
  // json encoded pkg/util/git.CommitReference
  string ctx = 4;

message ResolveDefinitionResponse {
  bool success = 1;
  ResolveDefinitionError error = 2;
  // json encoded resolution tree
  string resolution_tree = 3;

message ResolveDefinitionError {
  enum Type {
    InvalidComponent = 1;
  Type type = 1;
  string message = 2; 

service DefinitionResolver {
    rpc Resolve (ResolveDefinitionRequest) returns (ResolveDefinitionResponse);

There are a few architectures this service could take, but a likely one would be:

                           ┌───────────────────┐         ┌──────────────┐
                           │                   │         │  sandboxed   │
                      ┌───▶│  request handler  │──exec──▶│  definition  │
                      │    │                   │         │  resolution  │
                      │    └───────────────────┘         └──────────────┘
┌─────────────────┐   │                                                  
│                 │   │    ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│   grpc service  ├───┼───▶│                    ...                     │
│                 │   │    └────────────────────────────────────────────┘
└─────────────────┘   │                                                  
                      │    ┌───────────────────┐         ┌──────────────┐
                      │    │                   │         │  sandboxed   │
                      └───▶│  request handler  │──exec──▶│  definition  │
                           │                   │         │  resolution  │
                           └───────────────────┘         └──────────────┘

The above architecture should be pretty easy to implement.

The whole container itself could have its resources limited and the request handlers could themselves further limit the resources available to an individual resolution as well as timing out and killing a long-running resolution.

Eventually if needed the request handlers could be smarter and queue up based on available resources, but definitely not necessary to start.

The build controller would then instead of calling c.componentResolver.Resolve: would simply call c.componentResolverService.Resolve.

tfogo commented 5 years ago

I've used text/template a bit with Hugo and I strongly agree with the Helm blog post that it was hard to read.

tfogo commented 5 years ago

My concern with jsonnet is if it's tough to use with yaml. Also does this mean we'll want lattice.yml be lattice.jsonnet instead?

kevindrosendahl commented 5 years ago

yes this would replace the current yaml templating we have. we could still allow users to supply .yaml or .json files if they dont need any templating. another potential solution could be to support jsonnet and a very simple non-nested parameter expansion in .yaml and .json files

so you could write

type: v1/service


        NODE_ENV: {{ node_env }}


  "type": "v1/service",


  "exec": {
    "environment": {
        "NODE_ENV": "{{ node_env }}"



but for anything more complicated you need to use jsonnet.

Put a different way, you can use .yaml or .json, but they have to be valid YAML/JSON as is, but we'll crawl the object and replace r-vals with passed in parameters.

Also to be clear, I still propose breaking the resolution into a sidecar service regardless of the templating solution chosen.