Closed ross-spencer closed 1 year ago
Hey @ross-spencer this is likely due to a missing environment variable that should have been set in a certain stage in the Tutorial.
Is the local-cluster running? I think the .local-cluster directory must have been created before according to the Tutorial.
It's hard to have a reproducible Tutorial :/
Did you run?
[coop-env ~ coop-tutorial] $ export && mkdir $COOP_PAB_DIR
[coop-env ~ coop-tutorial] $ coop-pab-cli deploy --god-wallet $GOD_PKH --aa-wallet $AA_PKH
[CONTRACT] [INFO [Any]] deployCoop: Finished
Don't remember really, but I think all this runtime directories are being created in $COOP_PAB_DIR
And btw, this is a directory used by bot-plutus-interface meaning it's very hard to find x)
It's hard to have a reproducible Tutorial :/
we'll get there though! :slightly_smiling_face:
Searching the codebase I am not sure where to modify this by hand. It seems to be an issue with a forward-slash indicating the existence (or to be created dir) of
at root, but I am not sure without knowing the code better.Command run:
coop-pab-cli deploy --god-wallet $GOD_PKH --aa-wallet $AA_PKH
Command results in:coop-pab-cli: /metadata: createDirectory: permission denied (Permission denied)