mlabs-haskell / lambda-buffers

LambdaBuffers toolkit for sharing types and their semantics between different languages
Apache License 2.0
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Adding `devShells` to play with generated schema code for Haskell's Prelude and Plutus Prelude #122

Closed jaredponn closed 10 months ago

jaredponn commented 10 months ago

This PR does the following:

The rest of the sections demonstrate how to use.


The following demonstrates script output (with some details omitted) of playing around with TEST.lbf with the developer shell for dev-prelude-haskell. Commands are prefixed with $ and output follows.

Note the --ignore-environment flag is just used for demonstration purposes to show that the devShell environment really is complete with the required information.

$ nix develop --ignore-environment .#dev-prelude-haskell
xset:  unable to open display ""
WARNING: pre-commit-hooks.nix: git command not found; skipping installation.
$ cat TEST.lbf
module TEST

import Prelude

sum Dog = Dog Integer

derive Eq Dog

$ lbf-prelude-to-haskell TEST.lbf
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘.work’: File exists
[lbf][INFO] Success from: /nix/store/hn87z4b5qaw1888zys761nyxwm2gyxal-lambda-buffers-compiler-exe-lbc- compile --input-file .work/compiler-input.pb --output-file .work/compiler-output.pb
[lbf][INFO] Compilation OK
[lbf][INFO] Success from: /nix/store/9s58v4ad8bk4qq0ml0cirpcgfr1nfaj8-lbg-haskell/bin/lbg-haskell --input .work/codegen-input.pb --output .work/codegen-output.pb --gen-dir autogen --gen-class Prelude.Eq --gen-class Prelude.Json '--config=/nix/store/7h1hnhy5al8v272c4l1vrsxc2h3i9si4-codegen-configs/haskell-prelude-base.json' TEST
[lbf][INFO] Codegen OK
$ cat autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs
module LambdaBuffers.TEST (Dog(..)) where

import qualified LambdaBuffers.Prelude
import qualified Prelude

data Dog = Dog'Dog LambdaBuffers.Prelude.Integer deriving Prelude.Show

instance Prelude.Eq Dog where
  (==) = (\x0 -> (\x1 -> case x0 of
                           Dog'Dog x2 -> case x1 of
                                           Dog'Dog x3 -> (Prelude.&&) (Prelude.True) ((Prelude.==) (x2) (x3)) ) )
$ ghci autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs
GHCi, version 9.2.5:  :? for help
Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/jared/Documents/Work/lambda-buffers/.ghci
[1 of 1] Compiling LambdaBuffers.TEST ( autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
 :i Dog
type Dog :: *
data Dog = Dog'Dog LambdaBuffers.Prelude.Integer
    -- Defined at autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs:7:1
instance Prelude.Eq Dog
  -- Defined at autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs:10:10
instance Prelude.Show Dog
  -- Defined at autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs:7:59
 Dog'Dog 0
Dog'Dog 0
Leaving GHCi.


Similarly to the previous section, the following demonstrates script output (with some details omitted) of playing around with TEST.lbf with the developer shell for dev-plutustx. Commands are prefixed with $ and output follows.

Note the --ignore-environment flag is just used for demonstration purposes to show that the devShell environment really is complete with the required information.

$ nix develop --ignore-environment .#dev-plutustx
trace: WARNING: 9.2.5 is out of date, consider using 9.2.7.
xset:  unable to open display ""
WARNING: pre-commit-hooks.nix: git command not found; skipping installation.
$ cat TEST.lbf
module TEST

import Prelude (Eq)
import Plutus.V1
import Plutus.V2

sum Dog = Dog Address TxOut

derive Eq Dog
derive PlutusData Dog
$ lbf-plutus-to-haskell TEST.lbf
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘autogen’: File exists
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘.work’: File exists
[lbf][INFO] Success from: /nix/store/hn87z4b5qaw1888zys761nyxwm2gyxal-lambda-buffers-compiler-exe-lbc- compile --input-file .work/compiler-input.pb --output-file .work/compiler-output.pb
[lbf][INFO] Compilation OK
[lbf][INFO] Success from: /nix/store/9s58v4ad8bk4qq0ml0cirpcgfr1nfaj8-lbg-haskell/bin/lbg-haskell --input .work/codegen-input.pb --output .work/codegen-output.pb --gen-dir autogen --gen-class Prelude.Eq --gen-class Prelude.Json --gen-class Plutus.V1.PlutusData '--config=/nix/store/7h1hnhy5al8v272c4l1vrsxc2h3i9si4-codegen-configs/haskell-prelude-base.json' '--config=/nix/store/7h1hnhy5al8v272c4l1vrsxc2h3i9si4-codegen-configs/haskell-plutus-plutustx.json' TEST
[lbf][INFO] Codegen OK
$ cat autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs
module LambdaBuffers.TEST (Dog(..)) where

import qualified LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V1
import qualified LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V2
import qualified LambdaBuffers.Prelude
import qualified LambdaBuffers.Runtime.Plutus
import qualified PlutusTx
import qualified PlutusTx.Builtins
import qualified PlutusTx.Eq
import qualified Prelude

data Dog = Dog'Dog LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V1.Address
                   LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V2.TxOut deriving Prelude.Show

instance Prelude.Eq Dog where
  (==) = (\x0 -> (\x1 -> case x0 of
                           Dog'Dog x2 x3 -> case x1 of
                                              Dog'Dog x4 x5 -> (Prelude.&&) ((Prelude.&&) (Prelude.True) ((Prelude.==) (x2) (x4))) ((Prelude.==) (x3) (x5)) ) )

instance PlutusTx.Eq.Eq Dog where
  (==) = (\x0 -> (\x1 -> case x0 of
                           Dog'Dog x2 x3 -> case x1 of
                                              Dog'Dog x4 x5 -> (Prelude.&&) ((Prelude.&&) (Prelude.True) ((PlutusTx.Eq.==) (x2) (x4))) ((PlutusTx.Eq.==) (x3) (x5)) ) )

instance PlutusTx.ToData Dog where
  toBuiltinData = (\x0 -> case x0 of
                            Dog'Dog x1 x2 -> PlutusTx.Builtins.mkConstr (0) ([PlutusTx.toBuiltinData (x1)
                                                                              , PlutusTx.toBuiltinData (x2)]) )

instance PlutusTx.FromData Dog where
  fromBuiltinData = (\x0 -> LambdaBuffers.Runtime.Plutus.casePlutusData ((\x1 -> (\x2 -> case x1 of
                                                                                           0 -> case x2 of
                                                                                                   , x4] -> (Prelude.>>=) (PlutusTx.fromBuiltinData (x3)) ((\x5 -> (Prelude.>>=) (PlutusTx.fromBuiltinData (x4)) ((\x6 -> Prelude.Just (Dog'Dog x5 x6) )) ))
                                                                                                  x7 -> Prelude.Nothing
                                                                                           x8 -> Prelude.Nothing ) )) ((\x9 -> Prelude.Nothing )) ((\x10 -> case x10 of
                                                                                                                                                              x11 -> Prelude.Nothing )) ((\x12 -> Prelude.Nothing )) (x0) )
$ ghci autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs
GHCi, version 9.2.5:  :? for help
Loaded GHCi configuration from /home/jared/Documents/Work/lambda-buffers/.ghci
[1 of 1] Compiling LambdaBuffers.TEST ( autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
 :i Dog
type Dog :: *
data Dog
  = Dog'Dog LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V1.Address
    -- Defined at autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs:13:1
instance PlutusTx.Eq.Eq Dog
  -- Defined at autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs:22:10
instance Prelude.Eq Dog
  -- Defined at autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs:17:10
instance PlutusTx.FromData Dog
  -- Defined at autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs:32:10
instance Prelude.Show Dog
  -- Defined at autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs:14:59
instance PlutusTx.ToData Dog
  -- Defined at autogen/LambdaBuffers/TEST.hs:27:10
 :t Dog'Dog
  :: LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V1.Address
     -> LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V2.TxOut -> Dog
 :i LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V1.Address
type LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V1.Address :: *
type LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V1.Address =
    -- Defined in ‘LambdaBuffers.Plutus.V1’
 import PlutusLedgerApi.V1
PlutusLedgerApi.V1                    PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Crypto             PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Scripts
PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Address            PlutusLedgerApi.V1.DCert              PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Time
PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Bytes              PlutusLedgerApi.V1.EvaluationContext  PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Tx
PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Contexts           PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Interval           PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Value
PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Credential         PlutusLedgerApi.V1.ParamName
 import PlutusLedgerApi.V1
 :i Address
type Address :: *
data Address
  = Address {addressCredential :: Credential,
             addressStakingCredential :: Prelude.Maybe StakingCredential}
    -- Defined in ‘PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Address’
instance Prelude.Eq Address
  -- Defined in ‘PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Address’
instance Prelude.Ord Address
  -- Defined in ‘PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Address’
instance Prelude.Show Address
  -- Defined in ‘PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Address’
instance PlutusTx.Eq.Eq Address
  -- Defined in ‘PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Address’
instance FromData Address
  -- Defined in ‘PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Address’
instance ToData Address -- Defined in ‘PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Address’
instance UnsafeFromData Address
  -- Defined in ‘PlutusLedgerApi.V1.Address’
Leaving GHCi.
jaredponn commented 10 months ago

Rebasing and merging now.