mlafeldt / chef-runner

The fastest way to run Chef cookbooks
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cannot load such file -- berkshelf #30

Closed joelmoss closed 9 years ago

joelmoss commented 9 years ago

Failing with

INFO: Starting chef-runner (v0.8.0 darwin/amd64)
INFO: Run list is [cookbooks/codio]
INFO: Preparing local files
INFO: Installing cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf resolver
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/2.1.3/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- berkshelf (LoadError)
    from /usr/local/opt/rbenv/versions/2.1.3/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require'
    from -e:1:in `<main>'
ERROR: exit status 1

I have Chef and Berkshelf installed as part of ChefDK. Is ChefDK supported?

joelmoss commented 9 years ago

Ah no matter. My bad. II forgot run use chef exec ...

mlafeldt commented 9 years ago

Hey @joelmoss,

This whole chef exec and bundle exec thing can be highly confusing. chef-runner should work fine with chef shell init though, at least under Linux/Mac.

I'm always looking for ways to improve chef-runner's integration with other tools, in particular with ChefDK. So if you have any ideas, feel free to share them here.

dustinmm80 commented 9 years ago

I am running into this same error, even using exec. Am I doing something wrong?

chef exec "chef-runner -H conjurops-jenkins::slave -i true -l debug"
INFO: Starting chef-runner (v0.8.0 darwin/amd64)
INFO: Run list is [conjurops-jenkins::slave -i true -l debug]
INFO: Preparing local files
INFO: Installing cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf resolver
-e:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- berkshelf (LoadError)
    from -e:1:in `<main>'
ERROR: exit status 1

This works just fine

chef exec ruby -e "require 'berkshelf'"
mlafeldt commented 9 years ago

@dustinmm80 Please provide a bit more context.

Also please run chef-runner with CHEF_RUNNER_LOG=debug set in the environment and post the output here.

dustinmm80 commented 9 years ago

Yes, there is a Gemfile:

source ''

gem 'conjur-api', github: 'conjurinc/api-ruby', branch: 'master'
gem 'conjur-cli', github: 'conjurinc/cli-ruby', branch: 'master'

Using ChefDK v0.3.5

chef-runner gives me the same error using chef shell-init, that's my default use case.

Debug log:

➜  conjurops-jenkins git:(master) ✗ CHEF_RUNNER_LOG=debug chef exec "chef-runner -H conjurops-jenkins::slave -i true"
INFO: Starting chef-runner (v0.8.0 darwin/amd64)
DEBUG: Cookbook = conjurops-jenkins 0.1.0
INFO: Run list is [conjurops-jenkins::slave -i true]
DEBUG: Provisioner = {RunList:[conjurops-jenkins::slave -i true] Attributes: Format: LogLevel: UseSudo:true ChefVersion:}
INFO: Preparing local files
DEBUG: Creating local sandbox in .chef-runner/sandbox
DEBUG: Preparing JSON data
DEBUG: Preparing Chef Solo config
DEBUG: Preparing cookbooks
INFO: Installing cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf resolver
DEBUG: exec: bundle exec ruby -e require "berkshelf"; b = Berkshelf::Berksfile.from_file("Berksfile"); Berkshelf::Berksfile.method_defined?(:vendor) ? b.vendor(".chef-runner/sandbox/cookbooks") : b.install(:path => ".chef-runner/sandbox/cookbooks")
-e:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- berkshelf (LoadError)
    from -e:1:in `<main>'
ERROR: exit status 1
mlafeldt commented 9 years ago

I wasn't able to reproduce this yet.

However, I spotted a different problem. This tells me that the order of command-line args is wrong.

INFO: Run list is [conjurops-jenkins::slave -i true]

It should be:

$ chef-runner -H -i true conjurops-jenkins::slave
dustinmm80 commented 9 years ago

Seems like it might be a bundler + ChefDK issue?

➜  conjurops-jenkins git:(master) ✗ chef exec "bundle exec ruby -e \"require 'berkshelf'\""
-e:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- berkshelf (LoadError)
    from -e:1:in `<main>'


chef exec "ruby -e \"require 'berkshelf'\""

The 2nd one works fine, and I'm using ChefDK's bundle.

➜  conjurops-jenkins git:(master) ✗ chef exec which bundle

When I remove the Gemfile from my repo, it starts working just fine.

mlafeldt commented 9 years ago
➜  conjurops-jenkins git:(master) ✗ chef exec which bundle

That's definitely weird. It should point to the ChefDK installation first (/opt/chefdk), e.g.

$ chef exec "which -a bundle"

Looks like you installed Bundler a second time inside the ChefDK?

I'm wondering what's inside /Users/dustin/.chefdk/gem/ruby? Maybe removing it helps?

dustinmm80 commented 9 years ago

That does work, I was user-installing some gems and doing it with bundler screwed it up. I removed this and chef-runner works again. Thank you!

mlafeldt commented 9 years ago
