mlaily / MovieBarCodeGenerator

User friendly tool to create your own movie barcodes
GNU General Public License v3.0
93 stars 10 forks source link

Multiple movies at once #2

Open bp32795 opened 5 years ago

bp32795 commented 5 years ago

Love the wrapper, do you know if there is anyway to process multiple movies at once? Either using ffmpeg or through your GUI?

mlaily commented 5 years ago

I realize it's lacking documentation, but there is a CLI (command line interface) mode built in MovieBarCodeGenerator.

To use it, just add some arguments on the command line when executing the program.

For example MovieBarCodeGenerator.exe --in=*.mkv --width=1920 --height=1080 will loop over the mkv files in the current folder, and output an image for each movie, with the name of the input file.

You can execute MovieBarCodeGenerator.exe -h to see the whole command set:

>MovieBarCodeGenerator.exe -h
Movie BarCode Generator

Generate bar codes from movies. (concatenate movie frames in one image)

You can provide one input file, or a full directory,
along with an output file or directory.

  -h, -?, --help             Show this help message.
      --in, --input=VALUE    Accepted inputs:
                               - a file path
                               - a directory path
                               - a file pattern (simple '?' and '*' wildcards
                               are accepted)
                               - a directory path followed by a file pattern
                               - an url
                               This parameter can be set multiple times.
      --out, --output[=VALUE]
                             Output file or directory. Default: current
                               directory, same name as the input file.
  -x, --overwrite            If set, existing files will be overwritten instead
                               of being ignored.
  -r, --recursive            If set, input is browsed recursively.
  -w, --width[=VALUE]        Width of the output image. Default: 1000
  -H, --height[=VALUE]       Height of the output image. If this argument is
                               not set, the input height will be used.
  -b, --barwidth, --barWidth[=VALUE]
                             Width of each bar in the output image. Default: 1
  -s, --smooth               Also generate a smooth version of the output,
                               suffixed with '_smoothed'.
No input.