mlaily / NegativeScreen

NegativeScreen is a Windows application allowing you to invert your screen colors. (and more)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Option to not invert when computer is locked #20

Open Grayda opened 5 years ago

Grayda commented 5 years ago

I'd love to see a configuration option where inversion is undone when the computer is locked (and re-done when unlocked). Often my lock screen background is dark, so it's a blinding flash of light when I go to log back in. Plus it looks nicer so I don't have people wondering what is up with my machine when it's locked and I'm out of the office.

I'm not au fait with C#, so I don't know how you'd do this, but apparently there's something you can query or an event you can listen to, to determine if the screen is locked

Thanks for writing this, by the way. I have keratoconus and the light trails from a bright screen make it hard to work, so this app is a lifesaver!

mlaily commented 5 years ago

That seems like a useful addition.

I don't expect to implement it anytime soon (sorry), but I will keep it in mind for a future version.

Thanks for the feedback.