mlamina / Kubernetes-Manager

This project is a browser-based interface to the Kubernetes API. The idea is to provide most of the functionality of the command-line tool. Additionally, it should give you a quick overview of the health status of your Kubernetes cluster.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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pod status always pending #4

Open insoz opened 7 years ago

insoz commented 7 years ago

I pull the image from pulled on all of the nodes ), and i run kubectl create -f k8s-manager, but the pod is pending!

Other pods status is normal.

kbsys describe pods/k8s-manager-phk49

Name:       k8s-manager-phk49
Namespace:  kube-system
Node:       /
Labels:     app=k8s-manager
Status:     Pending
Controllers:    ReplicationController/k8s-manager
    Image:  mlamina/k8s-manager:latest
    Port:   80/TCP
      cpu:  100m
      memory:   50Mi
      cpu:  100m
      memory:   50Mi
    Volume Mounts:
      /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-zxoes (ro)
    Environment Variables:  <none>
    Type:   Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName: default-token-zxoes
QoS Class:  Guaranteed
Tolerations:    <none>

Other pods status

root@dev2:/opt/kubernetes/Kubernetes-Manager# kbsys get pods
NAME                                   READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
elasticsearch-logging-v1-owwll         1/1       Running   0          8d
elasticsearch-logging-v1-ygzl6         1/1       Running   3          8d
fluentd-elasticsearch-3idj0            1/1       Running   3          8d
fluentd-elasticsearch-h4ak2            1/1       Running   1          8d
fluentd-elasticsearch-ugg90            1/1       Running   0          8d
heapster-2193675300-xrgse              1/1       Running   7          10d
k8s-manager-3j8ce                      0/1       Pending   0          8m
k8s-manager-phk49                      0/1       Pending   0          15m
kibana-logging-2659875417-n8yyg        1/1       Running   1          8d
kube-dns-v20-216fm                     3/3       Running   9          8d
kubernetes-dashboard-v1.4.0-8ng73      1/1       Running   5          12d
monitoring-grafana-703999575-4347u     1/1       Running   7          10d
monitoring-influxdb-3276295126-t9ex6   1/1       Running   8          10d
mlamina commented 7 years ago

Not sure why it's pending. Also there are two pods, for k8s-manager-*. What are the logs saying? Try kbsys logs k8s-manager-phk49.

Also: Have you tried the built-in Kubernetes dashboard? It has come a long way and is far more stable than Kubernetes Manager.