mlampros / OpenImageR

Image processing Toolkit in R
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Screenshot takes one extra color than RGB, could add a function for that? #29

Closed estellad closed 9 months ago

estellad commented 10 months ago

Hi there,

Thank you for making the package! It looks very promising for so many things! I am using it, and I noticed that any screenshot would have an extra number in the third dimension of a RGB image. Instead of XY3, screenshots always have XY4. Do you think a function could make such conversion, from screenshot to RGB?

Thank you! Estella

mlampros commented 10 months ago

hi @estellad, do you use a specific function from the OpenImageR package? Can you include a reproducible example for the issue related to the screenshot that you mention?

mlampros commented 9 months ago

It seems you might have come to a solution. I'll close the issue for now, feel free to re-open it.

DzimitryM commented 3 months ago

I have caught the same issue:

1. Make a screenshot in Windows, for example:


2. Save it as png

3. Read the image. It appears that it has 4 color channels instead of 3.

> im <- OpenImageR::readImage(image_png)
> dim(im)
[1] 295 902   4

4. It causes an error at resize

> im_new <- OpenImageR::resizeImage(image = im, width = 400, height = 200, normalize_pixels = TRUE)
Error in OpenImageR::resizeImage(image = im, width = 400, height = 200,  : 
  invalid type of image, use either a matrix, data frame or array 

My workaround is to remove the 4th channel before resizing, which is responsible for the alpha value (transparency).

im <- im[,,1:3]
im_new <- OpenImageR::resizeImage(image = im, width = 400, height = 200, normalize_pixels = TRUE)
mlampros commented 3 months ago

the current error message does not inform about the 4th dimension

invalid type of image, use either a matrix, data frame or array 

so the user manually has to keep the first 3 as @DzimitryM did