Closed gjmulder closed 3 years ago
hi @gjmulder,
there are a few similar issues in the fitbit community and it seems that the 403 error is related to scope permissions. Can you have a quick look to see if it's related to yours,
Your Error comes from the sleep_single_day() function and a way to debug this Error from within R is to use the following code snippet that is used internally in the sleep_single_day() function,
URL = glue::glue('{user_id}/sleep/date/{date}/{date}.json')
auth_code = paste("Bearer", token)
query_response = httr::GET(url = URL, httr::add_headers(Authorization = auth_code))
if (query_response$status_code != 200) { # in case of an error use "httr::content()" to get more details
content_list_obj = httr::content(query_response, "parsed")
stop(glue::glue("The request gave an error code of '{query_response$status_code}' with the following first '{show_nchar_case_error}' characters as error message: '{substr(content_list_obj, 1, show_nchar_case_error)}'"), call. = F)
if (verbose) cat("The sleep content will be red ...\n")
content_list_obj = httr::content(query_response, "parsed")
You have to replace the user_id, the date (for instance '2021-08-01' ) and set the show_nchar_case_error to 135 so that you can run the code snippet to receive more details.
Thanks for the reply. I had selected at some point "Personal" when setting up the app, but on checking it again it was set to "Server".
OAuth working using curl (my_long_web_api_token replaced by my specific API token provided by FitBit API Debug tool):
$ curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer my_long_web_api_token" | python3 -mjson.tool | head -5
{ "user": { "age": 49, "ambassador": false, "autoStrideEnabled": true,Response:
Day: '2021-03-09' will be processed ... Error: The request gave an error code of '403' with the following first '135' characters as error message: 'list(list(errorType = "insufficient_permissions", message = "API client is not authorized by Fitbit to access the resource requested. V'The request gave an error code of '403' with the following first '135' characters as error message: 'FALSE'