mlampros / nmslibR

Non Metric Space ( Approximate ) Library in R
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Sparse matrix seems to not work correctly #1

Closed pommedeterresautee closed 6 years ago

pommedeterresautee commented 6 years ago

I have made several tests with sparse matrix based on the Vignette and /tests folder. Results are obviously wrong, even more strange is that it seems that there is a transpose of the matrix (I have 700K rows and 14K columns, and when I perform knn_Query_Batch on the full matrix, the max index returned is 14K.

Is there something I need to do to make it work correctly?

# (76212, 14498)
init_nms = NMSlib$new(input_data = dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy,
                      Index_Params = list('indexThreadQty' = config$cpu),
                      space = 'cosinesimil_sparse',
                      method = 'hnsw',
                      data_type = 'SPARSE_VECTOR',
                      dtype = 'FLOAT',
                      print_progress = TRUE)

 b = init_nms$knn_Query_Batch(query_data = dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy$getcol(1L),
                            k = 5,
                            num_threads = config$cpu)

If I change the space to l1 (same code as above) I get the following error at the init part (there is an error per thread):

Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Check failed: obj1->datalength() == obj2->datalength()
Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) : 
  RuntimeError: Check failed: it's either a bug or inconsistent data!
mlampros commented 6 years ago

@pommedeterresautee I'm sorry for the late reply,

would you mind sharing a reproducible example so that I'm able to find out if it's a bug in the R code that I added to the package. I assume, you mean that the error occurs when you call the init_nms$knn_Query_Batch function.

pommedeterresautee commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your answer.

I have 100 rows below, and I expect to get 100 * 5 predictions (with k = 5). I get 10 predictions and the max row returned is 10 like I have provided a matrix 10X100 and not 100X10, making me believing that there is a kind of transpose somewhere.

> mat <- Matrix::Matrix(runif(1000, 0, 1), nrow = 100, sparse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)
> dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy <- dgCMatrix_2scipy_sparse(mat)
> dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy$shape
(100, 10)
> dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy$getrow(0L)
  (0, 0)    0.4460052342619747
  (0, 1)    0.267301544547081
  (0, 2)    0.9658534412737936
  (0, 3)    0.4592860534321517
  (0, 4)    0.7499000441748649
  (0, 5)    0.29996729688718915
  (0, 6)    0.5544748182874173
  (0, 7)    0.9539664378389716
  (0, 8)    0.8479003391694278
  (0, 9)    0.5923537667840719
> mat[1,]
 [1] 0.4460052 0.2673015 0.9658534 0.4592861 0.7499000 0.2999673 0.5544748 0.9539664 0.8479003 0.5923538
# The conversion seems ok (dim and content)
> init_nms = NMSlib$new(input_data = dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy,
+                       Index_Params = list('indexThreadQty' = config$cpu),
+                       space = 'cosinesimil_sparse',
+                       method = 'hnsw',
+                       data_type = 'SPARSE_VECTOR',
+                       dtype = 'FLOAT',
+                       print_progress = TRUE)

0%   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
> b = init_nms$knn_Query_Batch(query_data = dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy,
+                              k = 5,
+                              num_threads = config$cpu)
> dim(b$knn_idx)
[1] 10  5
> max(b$knn_idx)
[1] 10
   V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
1   5  3  8 10  6
2  10  5  7  6  8
3   8 10  1  6  7
4  10  9  7  3  6
5   1 10  7  8  6
6   3  5 10  7  9
7  10  3  5  8  9
8   3 10  5  1  7
9   5  3  7  8  4
10  2  8  7  3  5
pommedeterresautee commented 6 years ago

I have made several tests with my real data. The R binder nmslibR requires that the sparse matrix is transposed before being converted to scipy. After that nmlibR works as expected. I have no idea why. The very same sparse matrix saved on R (MM format) and reloaded in Python works without requiring any transpose. So there is a kind of bug somewhere in the binder.

mlampros commented 6 years ago

@pommedeterresautee I'm sorry for the late reply,

I didn't have access to my computer. I'll start looking at this issue right now.

mlampros commented 6 years ago

@pommedeterresautee thanks for making me aware of this issue,

the nmslib python package expects a Compressed Sparse Row matrix (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix). The corresponding one in R is the dgRMatrix-class.

The dgCMatrix_2scipy_sparse() function returns by default a Compressed Sparse Column matrix ( scipy.sparse.csc_matrix), which is not the correct one to use in the nmblib python library.

A detailed example using a scipy sparse matrix in nmslib was added recently by the author.

I will adjust the dgCMatrix_2scipy_sparse() function to return either a sparse column or sparse row matrix (I will notify you once l push the changes on Github).

For now you can receive the expected results using,

mat <- Matrix::Matrix(runif(1000, 0, 1), nrow = 100, sparse = TRUE, byrow = TRUE)


# [1] "dgCMatrix"
# attr(,"package")
# [1] "Matrix"

dgr_mat = as(mat, "RsparseMatrix")


# [1] "dgRMatrix"
# attr(,"package")
# [1] "Matrix"

SCP = reticulate::import("scipy", convert = F)

dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy = SCP$sparse$csr_matrix(reticulate::tuple(dgr_mat@x, dgr_mat@j, dgr_mat@p), 

                                                   shape = reticulate::tuple(dgr_mat@Dim[1], dgr_mat@Dim[2]))

The conversion to a scipy row sparse matrix follows the same logic as before.


# (100, 10)


# (0, 0)    0.2655086631421
# (0, 1)    0.37212389963679016
# (0, 2)    0.5728533633518964
# (0, 3)    0.9082077899947762
# (0, 4)    0.2016819310374558
# (0, 5)    0.8983896849676967
# (0, 6)    0.9446752686053514
# (0, 7)    0.6607977924868464
# (0, 8)    0.6291140438988805
# (0, 9)    0.061786270467564464


init_nms = NMSlib$new(input_data = dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy, Index_Params = list('indexThreadQty' = 1),

                      space = 'cosinesimil_sparse', method = 'hnsw', data_type = 'SPARSE_VECTOR', dtype = 'FLOAT', 

                      print_progress = TRUE)

b = init_nms$knn_Query_Batch(query_data = dtm_not_prefix_tfidf_scipy,

                             k = 5, num_threads = 1)


# [1] 100   5


# [1] 100

df_out =$knn_idx)


# [1] 100   5


#   V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
# 1 24 89 73 51 82
# 2 19 24 75 60 82
# 3 85  5 77 62 65
# 4 94 93 58  8  9
# 5 84 51 42 18 63
# 6 76 71 48 92 66

please test it and let me know.

pommedeterresautee commented 6 years ago

Hi, I confirm the code above works correctly on my real data compared to my own brute force search implementation.

mlampros commented 6 years ago

@pommedeterresautee I did the following changes,

data(ionosphere, package = 'KernelKnn')

X = as.matrix(ionosphere[, -c(1:2, ncol(ionosphere))])

mt_2_sprm = mat_2scipy_sparse(X, format = 'sparse_row_matrix')                  # first case : R-matrix to scipy-sparse-row-matrix

mt_2_dgr = as(X, "dgRMatrix")

dgr_2_scsp = TO_scipy_sparse(R_sparse_matrix = mt_2_dgr)                        # second case : R-sparse-matrix to scipy-sparse-row-matrix

# test that both 'dense knn' (using an R object) and 'sparse knn' (using a python scipy sparse object) return the same output

dist_knn = KernelKnn::knn.index.dist(X, TEST_data = NULL, k = 5, method = "euclidean")        # the corresponding distance for 'euclidean' in nmslibR is 'l2' or 'l2_sparse (in case of sparse matrices). Page 31 of manual.

# nmslibR with "dense" data and sequential search

 init_nms = NMSlib$new(input_data = X, space = "l2", method = 'seq_search', 

                                   data_type = 'DENSE_VECTOR', dtype = 'FLOAT', print_progress = F)

all_dat = init_nms$knn_Query_Batch(X, k = 5, num_threads = 1)

# nmslibR with "sparse" data and sequential search

init_nms_spr = NMSlib$new(input_data = dgr_2_scsp, space = "l2_sparse", method = 'seq_search', 

                                       data_type = 'SPARSE_VECTOR', dtype = 'FLOAT', print_progress = F)

all_dat_spr = init_nms_spr$knn_Query_Batch(dgr_2_scsp, k = 5, num_threads = 1)

# all three outputs (dist_knn, all_dat, all_dat_spr) must return approximately equal results

# indices [ first 6 rows ]

tmp1 = identical(dist_knn$train_knn_idx[1:6, ], all_dat$knn_idx[1:6, ])
tmp2 = identical(all_dat_spr$knn_idx[1:6, ], all_dat$knn_idx[1:6, ])
tmp3 = identical(dist_knn$train_knn_idx[1:6, ], all_dat_spr$knn_idx[1:6, ])

# distances [ last 6 rows ] -- approximately equal ( use of round() function )

tmp_row1 = identical(round(tail(dist_knn$train_knn_dist), 4), round(tail(all_dat$knn_dist), 4))
tmp_row2 = identical(round(tail(all_dat_spr$knn_idx), 4), round(tail(all_dat$knn_idx), 4))
tmp_row3 = identical(round(tail(dist_knn$train_knn_idx), 4), round(tail(all_dat_spr$knn_idx), 4))

print(all(tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp_row1, tmp_row2, tmp_row3)

The results for the ionoshpere data set agree for dense or sparse data (after conversion from an R sparse matrix to a scipy sparse matrix)

I submitted the new version to CRAN and uploaded the updated on Github.

Feel free to comment / close the issue if the updated version returns the expected output.

mlampros commented 6 years ago

I close the issue for now, feel free to reopen it.

ophiry commented 4 years ago

Had the same issue - root cause was that the space parameter wasn't cosinesimil_sparse but cosinesimil

adding input verification that input_data, space, and data_type are compatible could help avoid similar issues

mlampros commented 4 years ago

hi @ophiry, in page 31 of the nmslib-manual there are details about each distance metric that can be used either in the python or in this R package. Every metric with a '_sparse' extension is meant to be used with sparse matrices. After my changes based on this issue I don't think there is much more to do. Don't forget that this R package is a port of the python package using reticulate, which means that error cases related to input data types must be addressed in the python code.