Uncovering resources could require some player progress.
Satellites could be required, which require themselves a certain ground facility (with high energy demand)
Some facility that discovers resources in a certain range. But what?
Problem: why whould the player keep the condition up? Do resources disappear again then?
[x] Implement a facility to generate sky coverage
[x] Calculate and display sky coverage
[x] Reveal resources through coverage (interim)
[ ] Implement satellites
[ ] Implement reveal through satellites
Details on satellites
Implemented reveal through simple coverage. Testing it shows that it is probably not a good idea to allow satellites only with a high coverage, as it is hard to achieve. It would probably be better to have different satellite types that require increasing coverage. So, e.g. prospection satellites require 20% coverage, while military satellites require 60%.
Uncovering resources could require some player progress.
Problem: why whould the player keep the condition up? Do resources disappear again then?
Details on satellites
Implemented reveal through simple coverage. Testing it shows that it is probably not a good idea to allow satellites only with a high coverage, as it is hard to achieve. It would probably be better to have different satellite types that require increasing coverage. So, e.g. prospection satellites require 20% coverage, while military satellites require 60%.