The original IMERG data is provided on a 0.1°. However, the downscaling factor ust be an integer number for the Harris WGAN and thus, an adaptation on the data resolution is required.
To achive a downscaling factor of 3, the IMERG data is therefore interpolated onto a regular 0.0833°-grid (=Delta x_ERA5/3=0.25°/3).
Furthermore, the data is sliced to the region where CERRA data is available (to enable multi-variate downscaling with CERRA data later).
The original IMERG data is provided on a 0.1°. However, the downscaling factor ust be an integer number for the Harris WGAN and thus, an adaptation on the data resolution is required. To achive a downscaling factor of 3, the IMERG data is therefore interpolated onto a regular 0.0833°-grid (=Delta x_ERA5/3=0.25°/3). Furthermore, the data is sliced to the region where CERRA data is available (to enable multi-variate downscaling with CERRA data later).