mlarhrouch / azure-pipeline-gpt-pr-review

Azure DevOps extension adding tools to review Pull Requets using Azure Pipelines
MIT License
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task is not adding comments despite access to the build service #52

Open sweety-abi opened 3 months ago

sweety-abi commented 3 months ago

Hi, I've implemented the GPT pull request review task in our YAML pipeline. The task executes and run when a PR is created, stating that the review has started and completed, but it doesn't add any comments to the PR.

I've already granted the necessary permissions to the "Project Collection Build Service" and the user that appeared (with both "Contribute" and "Contribute to pull requests" set to "allow"). Despite this, comments are still not being added.

Additionally, the task does not log any errors if there's an issue with the Azure OpenAI endpoint, such as connectivity problems or models incompatibility. If we had some error logs, it would make troubleshooting much easier, but all it shows is that the review has started and completed, without any specific feedback or comments.

Would appreciate any insights you might have on this. Thanks!

bms-carsten commented 2 months ago

Hey, we had the same issue when using Azure Open AI. The mentioned format in the README is wrong: Our current format is: https://<azure-resource><deployment-id>/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-15-preview First use CURL to make sure your query is correct and then adapt the build again. Hope it help. Best, Carsten