mlaurijsse / homebridge-rflink-gateway

Homebridge plugin to interface with RFLink
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How to discover devices? #14

Open pdenissen opened 1 year ago

pdenissen commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

I have a Arduino Mega with RFLink installed and connected to my Raspberry Pi 4 with Homebridge through USB. Somehow I'm not getting it to work.

As serialport I've selected /dev/ttyACM0. I have checked this by running sudo ls -l /dev/serial/by-id/. Furter I left the example configuration as it is. (on line 40 there is missing a comma btw;-))

When I restart the server the log shows the following logs according RFlink:

[RFLink Platform] Initializing RFLink platform...
[RFLink Platform] Added RFLink device: ELRO, protocol: AB400D, address: 4a, channels: 4
[RFLink Platform] Added RFLink device: Remote, protocol: NewKaku, address: 0202a000, channels: 5
[RFLink Platform] Added RFLink device: Oregon sensor, protocol: Oregon TempHygro, address: CC1D, channels: 2
Initializing platform accessory 'ELRO'...
Initializing platform accessory 'Remote'...
Initializing platform accessory 'Oregon sensor'...

As you can see, there are no errors. I also tried to ad RFLINK_DEBUG to the Environment Variables > debug. But I'm not sure if this is right direction.

So my questions are: Is my Arduino connected the right way? How do I discover my KAKU devices?

I hope you can help me out. Thanks in advanced!

mlaurijsse commented 1 year ago


I haven't been using this plugin for a while. If I recall correctly, RFLINK would output the software versions as soon as the serial connection is opened. When RFLINK_DEBUG is set, this should also appear in the logs.

Either of the two things can be happening:

  1. Your RFLINK_DEBUG variable is not correctly set. Try launching homebridge using: RFLINK_DEBUG=* homebridge -D followed by any other parameters you need to pass on to homebridge.
  2. Your RFLINK is not giving any output. Have you tried it connected to normal PC first? Then try setting up the serial port connection on RPi, with a third party terminal app.

