mlaursen / react-md

React material design - An accessible React component library built from the Material Design guidelines in Sass
MIT License
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v6.0.0 Status and Todos #1436

Open mlaursen opened 1 year ago

mlaursen commented 1 year ago

Preview Website

I'm creating this ticket since I'm getting distracted by additional features instead of completing the release.

Here's a list of remaining todo items:

Additional wants:

isomx commented 1 year ago

This is awesome! Just checked out the preview site. Really appreciate all your hard work, been using this since v1.

I'd love to help, I'm not so good with the design aspects which I know kind of precludes me from being much help on the components themselves. But I could help out with things like the documentation site, building out example pages, etc.

In fact, I created a full drag & drop site builder using react-md v1, and I'm in the process of updating it to v5. Maybe that'd be a cool way for people to try out the various components? I sent you an email about it before Christmas, but never heard back. You can check it out here though - Scroll to the bottom, there's a video walkthrough.

I also see you have redoing the API for the AutoComplete component. That's something I could help with. I'm using it right now to provide AutoComplete for country, city, and state in a checkout form, but I had to fork your code to to do it. There were a couple reasons for that, like your implementation doesn't really do well with dynamic results, and also the useScrollListener() hook doesn't accept the scrollable element to monitor, it only attaches to the body, so the ListBox couldn't stay attached to the input element in the Dialog I used for the checkout. All that was for a client's site so I can't post the link here, but would be happy to send to you privately if you want to check it out. I could also contribute the code for connecting it to MeiliSearch, that's how I'm doing the address autocompletes. It handles everything from setting up & hosting MeiliSearch, to building out indexes, to providing real-time suggestions. Could be a nice option for anyone trying to do the same.

Either way, thanks again for all your hard work and feel free to reach out, would love to help.

Josh Cope