Closed adam91holt closed 1 month ago
Looks like the domain huggingface uses for caching weights was changed; I added
to the manifest and it seemed to get past this issue.
That said, I am still having trouble running the service worker extension example. I'm currently getting the following error:
Error in event handler: Error: return from a unknown uuid, msg=[object Object]
and the model doesn't seem to get loaded.
When trying to run the chrome extension examples I can't seem to get around this error. Any ideas?
As @CharanSriramUni mentioned above, this is due to the new huggingface domain name not being included in the example extension's CSP configuration. should resolve this.
Looks like the domain huggingface uses for caching weights was changed; I added
to the manifest and it seemed to get past this issue.That said, I am still having trouble running the service worker extension example. I'm currently getting the following error:
Error in event handler: Error: return from a unknown uuid, msg=[object Object]
and the model doesn't seem to get loaded.
This error is fine. It happens when the popup receives message that was not sent by it from the service worker.
I have tried the service worker extension example by myself and it works fine on my end. Could you please try again and let me know if the issue persists?
Oh. Seems to work now. I think there might be an issue if the extension popup is clicked several times while loading but the Qwen model loads and works for me if allowed to load.
When trying to run the chrome extension examples I can't seem to get around this error.
Refused to connect to '*%3DUTF-8%27%27params_shard_26.bin%3B+filename%3D%22params_shard_26.bin%22%3B&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream&Expires=1728203236&Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MTcyODIwMzIzNn19LCJSZXNvdXJjZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vY2RuLWxmcy11cy0xLm...MDdiNjg4MTY5ZmQ0YmM2YTI4YjkyMz9yZXNwb25zZS1jb250ZW50LWRpc3Bvc2l0aW9uPSomcmVzcG9uc2UtY29udGVudC10eXBlPSoifV19&Signature=AzDYlr0wmkvD8j5JGrNod0B3J3ici8QqOj5FSoLhqwuiE9ZxpnYO8Kv7Bzqgd23rCv27vx3RfEISOjfxW2hWDqWr6QSlTaWxoKRNiGD%7EGnDMIvH1ySdENFlZj17n7aas%7Ed6VriLXTQESqaS56mXHLs6tSUQ1z2VoGDMKr3WtZTrhhcj%7EPy8Uej9y%7E4l6CBZ3-6TL7wj38IL%7EF6TMnu7CTweWHAEVoWzsY0kBBtK1Y%7E0colESvRXaOFEf32%7EsZsGHXzYOKHNiSxffcUuRB%7E1Ow-SfdHHOOkuJqV%7ExN8tKMFEoTB5WklN59KwabZs0crWh8dUNhyNNaLLedrCfBJJ%7EOw__&Key-Pair-Id=K24J24Z295AEI9' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self' data: http://localhost:8000".
Any ideas?