I have Followed the instruction here to add a new model and load locally: https://llm.mlc.ai/docs/deploy/webllm.html. I was able to successfully convert the weights, generate a config and compile a model. However I get this error when trying to initialize the model. Error: Cannot find global function mlc.grammar.BNFGrammarGetGrammarOfJSON
I have Followed the instruction here to add a new model and load locally: https://llm.mlc.ai/docs/deploy/webllm.html. I was able to successfully convert the weights, generate a config and compile a model. However I get this error when trying to initialize the model. Error: Cannot find global function mlc.grammar.BNFGrammarGetGrammarOfJSON
I have also run the compilation on this model from huggingface https://huggingface.co/mlc-ai/SmolLM2-135M-Instruct-q4f32_1-MLC and got the same issue, so I know the issue is with the compilation to the .wasm file. When I use the wasm file from github the model loads fine SmolLM-135M-Instruct-q4f32_1-ctx2k_cs1k-webgpu.wasm.
I also tested this on gemma-2b-it-q4f32_1-MLC with the same issue compilation tested on mlc-llm v0.18, v0.17.2
Tested Compilation on the following systems
Tested Loading with web-llm on the following browsers