mlc / wnetpbcore

PBCore-backed Asset Metadata Management System
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change annotation handling from one value to two (annotationType & annotation) #44

Open daverice opened 13 years ago

daverice commented 13 years ago

Update the database model to store 'annotation' and 'annotationType' (whereas it current tracks only 'annotation'). I suppose this would be: create_table "annotations", :force => true do |t| t.integer "instantiation_id" t.text "annotation", :limit => 16777215 t.text "annotationType", :limit => 16777215 end Then parse existing annotation values into the two fields: annotation value before first occurrence of a colon (if any) to annotationType annotation value after first occurrence of a colon (or whole string if no colon) to annotation.

Add annotationType index to the MANAGE section as a vocabulary.

Edit UI to have the place annotationType as a combobox before each annotation.

For the XML rendering. If there is an annotationType then use


if not then


an annotationType is not required, an empty value should be allowable