mlco2 / codecarbon

Track emissions from Compute and recommend ways to reduce their impact on the environment.
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Mapa conceptual #479

Closed Cele-1 closed 1 year ago

Cele-1 commented 1 year ago

digraph MapaConceptual { rankdir=TB; // Orientación de arriba a abajo

// Nivel 1 node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue]; tema [label="Tema principal"];

// Nivel 2 node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightyellow]; subtema1 [label="Curro indiferencia"]; subtema2 [label="Sistema económico"]; subtema3 [label="Insumo trabajo"];

// Nivel 3 node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=lightgreen]; subtema4 [label="Curva de frontera de producción"]; subtema5 [label="Falta de trabajo"]; subtema6 [label="Negociación colectiva"]; subtema7 [label="Política fiscal macroeconómica"]; subtema8 [label="Presupuesto"]; subtema9 [label="Ciclos económicos"];

// Conexiones tema -> {subtema1 subtema2 subtema3}; subtema3 -> {subtema4 subtema5 subtema6}; subtema6 -> {subtema7 subtema8 subtema9}; }

LuisBlanche commented 1 year ago

Hi @Cele-1 I think you might have written this issue here by mistake ? If not, could you provide more information ?