mlco2 / impact

ML has an impact on the climate. But not all models are born equal. Compute your model's emissions with our calculator and add the results to your paper with our generated latex template
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Taking into account the impact generated at the fabrication of the equipement? #24

Open jeremysintes opened 3 years ago

jeremysintes commented 3 years ago


Thanks for your work.

Do you have any lead to include the impact generated at the fabrication of the equipement in the impact calculator? Also, It could be interesting to have a multicriteria approach (water, SBeq, energy) and not only watch CO2e but that would be a real challenge.

What I would like to point out is that, for a lambda user to see only "CARBON ALREADY OFFSET BY PROVIDER" may generate a feeling that everything is under controle, so he can use extensively some cloud GPU without worrying about the environment which is from my point of view a wrong message.

--> Maybe at least a few words to give a bit of perspective to the user could help?

Thanks in advance for you interest and answer, Best regards, Jérémy