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Collective Mind (CM) is a small, modular, cross-platform and decentralized workflow automation framework with a human-friendly interface and reusable automation recipes to make it easier to build, run, benchmark and optimize AI, ML and other applications and systems across diverse and continuously changing models, data, software and hardware
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How do you specify which GPU to run an Mlperf benchmark on with CM? #1246

Open kevinnegy opened 2 months ago

kevinnegy commented 2 months ago

I know that in CM you can specify --device=cuda to use GPUs instead of CPUs, but how do you choose between GPUs if you have multiple on your system?

I know onnxruntime and pytorch have their own ways of specifying GPUs, but I'm not sure which scripts to modify for each benchmark. I'm hoping there is a global CM argument for GPU index that can be applied across benchmarks. If one exists, could someone point me to it?

Thank you.

arjunsuresh commented 2 months ago

@kevinnegy Are you trying to run the reference implementation using CM? Currently CM doesn't have such a flag but this can be easily added. But the problem is that the underlying implementation for each framework across all the benchmarks must also support this. Since reference implementations are meant for "reference" and not really for benchmarking, so far we haven't seen such a request. Are you targeting some specific benchmark? If so this can be done.

kevinnegy commented 2 months ago

@arjunsuresh Yes, I'm trying to run the reference implementations using CM. My understanding was that MLPerf (including the reference implementations) could be used for benchmarking GPUs to measure performance, is that not correct?

I had hoped to benchmark the 9 reference workloads in the mlperf inference repo, but at the very least getting just Bert and RNNT to have the GPU option would be super helpful.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

arjunsuresh commented 2 months ago

@kevinnegy Reference implementations are not good to benchmark systems because most of them lack the basic optimizations like batching and multi-GPU support etc. If you want to benchmark Nvidia GPUs, Nvidia implementation is the way to go. It is supported in CM. And all of the benchmarks shouldn't take more than a day or 2 to complete except DLRM which needs days to get the dataset.

kevinnegy commented 1 month ago

@arjunsuresh Thank you for the suggestion. I'm assuming this is what you had in mind for the Nvidia implementation of Bert with CM?

As for specifying which GPU, I was able to brute force RNNT with pytorch by switching all references in all RNNT python scripts of torch.device("cuda:0") to whatever device I want. I was unable to do the same with reference BERT with onnxruntime. Is there any hacky method like this to pick a device for BERT (reference onnxruntime and Nvidia-implementation tensorrt) just so I can get up and running in case a global CM parameter will take a while to be implemented?

arjunsuresh commented 1 month ago

@kevinnegy yes, that's correct regarding Nvidia implementation.

Nvidia implementation uses a docker and I believe by passing in appropriate docker run flag, you can enable/disable the required GPUs. By default, the implementation uses all the GPUs it sees inside the docker container. If you can wait until mid next week, I should be able to give you this option via CM which can work with the 4.0 inference submissions - this is in progress now.

For onnxruntime - adding --env.CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES]="1" to the CM run command should help to run on device 1. But the reference implementations are at least 10X slower compared to Nvidia TensorRT implementation and so this may not be a worthwhile exercise.

kevinnegy commented 1 month ago

@arjunsuresh Awesome! That environment variable worked for me! And yes, I can wait for the 4.0 CM option. Thanks so much!