mledan / OctoPrint-EasyServo

Here is a growing plugin you can use to easily control multiple servo motors using the octoprint interface.
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Raspi-config forgot #20

Closed Bubu38 closed 3 years ago

Bubu38 commented 3 years ago

hi, nice plugin , really good job, you just forgot in raspi-config to enable network gpio communication. I had an error everytime i sudo service pigpiod start... Thanks to you ! bye

iFrostizz commented 3 years ago

Hi, are you talking about the "remote GPIO" option ? It should not be needed as it is used to control GPIO on another pi that is connected to a network It seems like this feature is starting the pigpio daemon, which is needed to complete further steps. Maybe that you forgot that one ? Thanks !

Bubu38 commented 3 years ago

Ok but how do you enable pigpio daemon otherly on a fresh new octopi? With gpio remote enabled it worked great for me

iFrostizz commented 3 years ago

It is explained in the "pre installation requirements"

Bubu38 commented 3 years ago

I did enable I2C ARM in raspiconfig but didn't work like that. I had to enable gpio remote to enable daemon

iFrostizz commented 3 years ago

This thread could be interesting for you to start the daemon and then check if it's effective :

Bubu38 commented 3 years ago

Ok cool merci