mlegenhausen / node-ogone-directlink

Thin node.js wrapper around the directlink rest api of the ogone payment service
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Add subscriptions #5

Open AlejandroDelRioAlbrechet opened 9 years ago

AlejandroDelRioAlbrechet commented 9 years ago

Could you be so kind and add subscriptions to this lib?

mlegenhausen commented 9 years ago

I do not use this library anymore so I will not add new features, but I will accept pull requests.

alanhortz commented 9 years ago

Do you recommend using another lib ? Thanks

mlegenhausen commented 9 years ago

If there is any better maintained alternative I would recommend this. Let me know if there is any.

alanhortz commented 9 years ago

I mean, do you still recommend using Ogone Direct Link ?

mlegenhausen commented 9 years ago

We used it in a customer project. I never was a big fan of it, cause of the arkward API and the need for including an iframe form when using other purchase methods than creditcard. From the developer point of view I would not recommend it. If there is a provider with all your payment requirements and an js/rest API I would go for it.

alanhortz commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the answer !