mleibman / SlickGrid

A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet
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Alternate styling applied to odd rows only #1138

Closed philshotton closed 7 years ago

philshotton commented 7 years ago


I am trying to persuade Slick Grid to display a line or separator between every two rows of information.. Is this possible? At the moment I've tried adjusting the CSS but I only get a line across the bottom of the grid, so I suspect that the lines I'm drawing get hidden by the rows of information.

At the moment I am displaying information in pairs and want to make the pairs grouped together in a more visual way and this seems the most appropriate.

I've attached a screenshot of what I've achieved so far and what I want to achieve (e.g. photoshopped).

CSS changes made were - of course I'd rather slim down the line width, but this was made quite thick for development purposes.

.slick-row.odd {
  background: #fafafa;
  border-bottom-style: solid;
  border-bottom-width: 6px;

currentdisplay desireddisplay

Apologies if anyone has posted something similar before - I've tried looking but found nothing at the moment. Either I'm close or I'm trying the wrong approach!

This is in a Dynamics CRM (On Premise) environment btw - if that makes any difference.

6pac commented 7 years ago

You may want to use my more up to date repo

Have you checked out this example ?

philshotton commented 7 years ago

hi 6pac, that example looks very interesting indeed!! Cheers for that.

I was wondering if a more recent release would give me more functionality although there's enough development going on in addition to this - but I will check this out and come back if it resolves my issue. Thanks!!


6pac commented 7 years ago

I think each row being a standard height is baked into the grid at a fundamental level. So to do what you want, I think you can use the CSS as you are doing, but you'll have to decrease the height of the 'odd' row to compensate for the added border. If the 'odd' height ends up too small, you might have to increase the row height in general until it works.

philshotton commented 7 years ago

Cheers @6pac I'll see if that works as well.

philshotton commented 7 years ago

Done! I went around the CSS - changing a custom version of the slick grid javascript code.

I did find this as well, which helped me get to the final solution :



Happy with that.

philshotton commented 7 years ago

` function appendRowHtml(stringArray, row, range) {


        if(row % 2 == 0)
            stringArray.push("<div class='ui-widget-content " + rowCss + "' style='top:" + (((options.rowHeight * row) +2) - offset) + "px'>");
            stringArray.push("<div class='ui-widget-content " + rowCss + "' style='top:" + (options.rowHeight * row - offset) + "px'>");


philshotton commented 7 years ago

Code snippet added above

6pac commented 7 years ago

Good to see you solved it. I'd just add that the content-box issue has been fixed in my repo.