mleibman / SlickGrid

A lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet
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Header filter creating when showHeaderRow option is false #1164

Open Tpona opened 7 years ago

Tpona commented 7 years ago

Hi all!

I create grid with option showHeaderRow: false, and using this ( example create delegates for filtering data. Then try to show hewder row : table.setHeaderRowVisibility(show); But if this option showHeaderRow is false SlickGrid does not create headerrow block. I want to create my grid with headerrow but initially it must be hidden. I want to show it by ctrl+f keys pressed. How to do it? Thx

6pac commented 7 years ago

Should be asking this on StackOverflow - this is for bugs only.

What you need to do is option showHeaderRow: true then table.setHeaderRowVisibility(false); either with manual init or just after creating the grid if you use auto init. Then show hide as you like.

I'd advise you to use my repo - this repo is unmaintained.

Tpona commented 7 years ago

In this case i see how the header row sliding out after creating. it is not good )

6pac commented 7 years ago

Hmm, yes, it looks like it has been a bit inconsistent since even before the fork from the MLiebman repo. It is creating the header row when showHeader is false, but not the columns in it. You could work around by doing setcolumns() after first toggling the visibility to true. This should rebuild the columns in the header row. After that, the header columns are there, and it will all be good.

With the new footer row I've been using createFooter and showFooter to give more fine grained control. I've been considering adding this to the Header logic. Perhaps it's time to do that.

Tpona commented 7 years ago

Thanks for idea ) I'll try to do that