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Comparing Fuse Form with Wild Shape (again) #535

Closed Marcloure closed 3 years ago

Marcloure commented 3 years ago

So, I decided to compare these two transformations again, since I think Fuse Form has some advantages. I'll assume both wants to turn into a resources 3 creature:

Fuse Form

Wild Shape

Considering all:

Fuse Form has the benefit of becoming some much more powerful forms like elementals, but that is another issue (#313)

The conclusion is that Fuse Form is more powerful than Wild Shape. It requires 1 less feat, and costs a fix 2 mana to fuse into any companion.

shemetz commented 3 years ago

Should also mention that Wild Form gives you ~4 shapes to choose from while Fuse Form is limited to a single one.

Marcloure commented 3 years ago

That is true, I'll add that in

mlenser commented 3 years ago

The comparison above really feels like it misses the mark. Spells, based on their flavor, are different. Fuse Form for example is different than Warg.

Some light comparison of the basic options:

Fuse Form


Wild Shape

Some rants:

Marcloure commented 3 years ago

I'm not asking for a buff to Wild Shape, but actually a nerf to Fuse Form:

Wild Shape doesn't require any feats

It doesn't, but I'm comparing both spells in equal footing, otherwise there is no comparison to be made. The fact that I'm pointing out is that wild shape costs more (both in terms of Mana and of feats) to be as good as Fuse Form

mlenser commented 3 years ago

I'm not asking for a buff to Wild Shape, but actually a nerf to Fuse Form

Then I would point you to my last point:

All these comparisons are silly as companion + full caster is better than a full caster fused into a companion.

mlenser commented 3 years ago

The fact that I'm pointing out is that wild shape costs more (both in terms of Mana and of feats) to be as good as Fuse Form

You're really distorting the comparison. They are very different spells that have quite different requirements and server quite different purposes.

mlenser commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue due to the Wild Shape bias. Fuse Form is a different option that has its own requirements, pros, and cons. Fuse Form is not better than not taking the Fuse Form spell and just using your companion and spells (or your companion and wild shape).

Marcloure commented 3 years ago

A druid Wild Shaped into a wolf with the feat to cast spells is worse than a warlock fused into a wolf with the feat to have a wolf. That is my point, but if that seems balanced to you, then I don't think there is much more to discuss.

mlenser commented 3 years ago

A Full Caster using Wild Shape can get flying, burrowing, swimming, climbing, or several other utility options. A Fuse Formed Occultist can never get that utility with an Eidolon or Fuse Form.

Different spells for different purposes with different pros/cons.

Marcloure commented 3 years ago

I must say there is something else that I did not consider: while Fuse Form at 3 mana gives you around 60 extra health, if you happen to lose this health you can't use your eidolon or the spell again until you complete the 8-hours long ritual. Wild Shape gives you 12~18 temporary health at 3 mana, but it lasts until you drop to 0, and you can recast it if you lose the form.

I still think this should be addressed though, otherwise it can give you 130 health for the cost of 2 mana:

make it cost 1 Mana per resource of the companion, so you can't use 2 Mana to Fuse into a 5 resources companion

mlenser commented 3 years ago

make it cost 1 Mana per resource of the companion, so you can't use 2 Mana to Fuse into a 5 resources companion

Absolutely not. That would make it a horrible choice. As I wrote above:

All these comparisons are silly as companion + full caster is better than a full caster fuse into a companion.

A character who could use Fuse Form already has an eidolon. Jumping into their Eidolon is a loss of overall damage. It shouldn't cost more than a few mana.

Marcloure commented 3 years ago

But then you can pick the feat and use the Eidolon to gain 130 health at 17th level. That is more than worth the price of a feat and 2 mana

mlenser commented 3 years ago

Fuse Form can be an action though. The idea of casting a spell and then jumping in your eidolon to do more damage is a bit much. It's the same mechanically as if you didn't use Fuse Form, but the duration is for a quite a while so if you want to fuse, you can do it beforehand. This makes escaping with a sliver of health into your eidolon cost a bit more.

mlenser commented 3 years ago

But then you can pick the feat and use the Eidolon to gain 130 health at 17th level.

They already have that! The eidolon already has all of that HP.

Marcloure commented 3 years ago

Sure, but two characters with 130 hp is not the same as one with 260 health. Even less so because your character is more important than the Eidolon