mlevit / aws-auto-cleanup

Programmatically delete AWS resources based on an allowlist and time to live (TTL) settings
MIT License
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Web app to expose DynamoDB settings and whitelist tables #1

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Auto Cleanup interacts with two tables that live within DynamoDB (auto-cleanup-settings and auto-cleanup-whitelist). In order to enable users to interact with both of these tables in a more user friendly way, a simple to use web app (preferably static in nature) would need to be built.


The settings page should simple expose the table allowing addition, modification and deletion of rows.


The whitelist page should allow addition, modification and deletion of rows but should also ensure the expire_at column is automatically populated with an EPOCH timestamp of today plus 7 days (this ensures no one except admins can whitelist a resource permanently).

Against each whitelist record, users should have the ability to extend their whitelist from today to today plus 7. This will ensure that without interaction from the users, their whitelisting records will be removed by DynamoDB and consequently removed by Auto Cleanup.

JacobHughes commented 5 years ago

I would recommend starting this feature with an API & other required backing services, and supply two endpoints - POST to add a resource to the whitelist, PUT to increase the TTL for a whitelisted item, GET to check if a resource is listed and retrieve the TTL, and DELETE to remove an item from the whitelist.