mlevit / aws-auto-cleanup

Programmatically delete AWS resources based on an allowlist and time to live (TTL) settings
MIT License
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Security group used in auto scaling group launch configuration #46

Closed andreirymar closed 4 years ago

andreirymar commented 4 years ago

Security group used in auto scaling group launch configuration

andreirymar commented 4 years ago

Security group used in auto scaling group launch configuration has been deleted and now auto-scaling group cannot launch EC2 instances.

mlevit commented 4 years ago

Hey @andreirymar, please add the security group to the DynamoDB whitelist table. See for configuration settings.

andreirymar commented 4 years ago

The deleted security group was part of whitelisted cloud formation. Is that not enough to whitelist cloud formation stack ?

mlevit commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately not. Everything is mutually exclusive. You've protected the CloudFormation stack from being deleted, but everything within that stack will be accessed on its own.

mlevit commented 3 years ago

@andreirymar I've just merged a changed #55 that will now whitelist all resources within a CloudFormation Stack if the CloudFormation Stack was not deleted due to a whitelist entry or TTL.

You can now just whitelist the Stack without having to worry about the underlying resources.