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Code-Based Logging in MLflow: Enhancing Model Management #87

Open Awadelrahman opened 1 month ago

Awadelrahman commented 1 month ago


This template is intended to capture a few base requirements that are needed to be met prior to filing a PR that contains a new blog post submission.

Please fill out this form in its entirety so that an MLflow maintainer can review and work with you in the process of drafting your blog content and in reviewing your blog submission PR.

PRs that are filed without a linked Blog Post Submission issue and a subsequent agreement on the content and topics covered for the blog post are not guaranteed to be reviewed or merged.


Proposed Title

Title option1: Code-Based Logging in MLflow: Enhancing Model Management Title option2: Code-Based Logging in MLflow: An Alternative to Serialization


This blog post will explore the concept of code-based logging in MLflow, a feature designed to complement traditional model serialization. I'll discuss the differences between code-based and serialization-based logging, provide heuristics for when to use each approach, and offer examples of code-based logging using pyfunc and LangChain. Although initially developed with LangChain in mind, this feature generalizes well to other use cases with pyfunc.

Blog Type

Topics Covered in Blog

Thank you for your proposal! An MLflow Maintainer will reach out to you with next steps!

BenWilson2 commented 1 month ago

This is a fantastic topic! I like the title option #1 a bit better :) Excited to see the draft!