mlfoundations / open_clip

An open source implementation of CLIP.
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What is impact on the image embedding result when the alpha channel is dropped by the converter #801

Closed githubusersel closed 5 months ago

githubusersel commented 6 months ago

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Originally posted by **githubusersel** January 23, 2024 Hi everyone, - I'm wondering what is the impact on image embedding result when alpha channel dropped by converter? I found that taking screenshots from Mac adds extra alpha channel to the image. Because CLIP model only works with RGB, it needs to be converted. But I don't think there's enough explanation of how it affects the embedding results using the dropped channel. - What's good practice to convert RGBA to RGB? It looks like convert method from Image module was used in ReadMe. Is there more efficient way? ` im ="cat.jpg").convert("RGB")`