mlhubber / mlhub

Machine Learning Model Repository Hub Command Line Tool.
MIT License
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README command improvements #3

Closed gjwgit closed 5 years ago

gjwgit commented 6 years ago

What is the best approach to viewing the README file. Currently using pandoc to convert to .txt for including in the .mlm and mlhub simply displays that text. is there a better cross platform alternative?

On Ubuntu could do

pandoc | lynx -stdin

gjwgit commented 5 years ago

Maybe what is required is a single message at the bottom pointing to the github repository which will have a formatted version.

$ ml readme iris

The famous iris dataset is a traditional statistics demonstration
dataset for building classification models. It contains data for 3
different classes (species) of iris (Setosa, Versicolour, and Virginica)
with 50 observations of each class. Each observation records the
flower's petal length and width and the sepal length and width, together
with the known class. The goal is to build a classification model to
classify new observations of flowers.

This MLHub pre-built model package uses the R language to build a
classification (decision) tree model to represent the knowledge
discovered using a so-called recursive partitioning algorithm. The
knowledge representation language (decision tree) is recognised as an
easily understandable language.

To install and run the pre-built model:

    $ pip install mlhub
    $ ml install iris
    $ ml configure iris
    $ ml demo iris

To configure the dependencies required for the model:

  $ ml configure iris

More details available from
gjwgit commented 5 years ago

The message needs to come from the package author anyhow so include in the README itself. But could be considered as part of #53